
  • 网络mixed reality;Blended Reality
  1. 混合现实展示技术是一个崭新的研究领域,它是产品展示的一种新沿的互动式技术。

    Mixed reality display is a new kind of products interactive technology .

  2. 基于混合现实交互界面的下颌运动仿真系统

    Simulation system of jaw motion based on mixed reality interface

  3. 基于混合现实的新型轻量级飞行模拟器系统

    Novel , Lightweight Flight Simulator System Based on Mixed Reality

  4. 介绍了一套基于混合现实技术研制的具有虚实融合座舱视景的轻量级飞行模拟器系统。

    A lightweight flight simulator system was developed with virtual – real cockpit view using mixed reality technology .

  5. 如何利用计算机技术高效逼真地表达虚拟和真实的世界,实现真实世界与虚拟世界的高度互动和融合,是混合现实的核心问题。

    The key of mixed reality is how to employ the computer techniques to effectively express and integrate the virtual and real worlds , allowing high feedback interaction .

  6. 根据科技馆展示的特点提出了将藏品展示与互动展示相结合,利用混合现实技术,让观众与收藏品产生互动,加强观众在实体藏品浏览中的感受,增强学习效果。

    Considering the characteristics of science museum exhibition , it proposes to integrate museum collection exhibition and interactive exhibition through blending technologies available in order to strengthen visitors ' experience and learning effects , by interactions between visitors and collection .

  7. 增强现实,也被称为混合现实,它通过电脑技术将虚拟的信息应用到真实世界,将真实的环境和虚拟的物体实时地叠加到同一个画面或空间同时存在。

    Augment Reality is also defined as Mixed Reality . It is a technique that merges virtual information into the real world through computer technology , which the real environment and virtual objects can get spliced in the same image or space at real time .

  8. 这些解决方法来自长期的痛苦体验,并且在将XML混合进现实HTML世界时,这是避免难以重现的bug和奇怪的不兼容性的惟一方法。

    Such hack-arounds come from long , painful experience , and are the only way to avoid a nightmare of hard-to-reproduce bugs and strange incompatibilities when mixing XML into the real HTML world .

  9. 海明威小说的叙事声音时而单一,时而多声部,它混合着现实作者、隐含作者、叙述者、人物等多重声音,他根据作品的需要统筹安排叙述声音的强与弱。

    The narrative voices in Hemingway 's novels are , for one time , single , for other time , multi-voices with those of the real author , implied author , narrator , and characters .

  10. 对各种电动车进行了简要比较后,指出开发混合电动车的现实可行性。

    After comparison of various electric vehicles , the practical feasibility of developing hybrid electric vehicles was described .

  11. 基于混合跟踪的增强现实系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of augmented reality system based on hybrid tracking

  12. 发行混合资本债券的现实选择

    Issuing Mixed Capital Bonds to Complement Capital of Banks

  13. 最后指出这种方法属于无词典检索技术,为实现中西文信息的全文检索和混合检索提供了现实途径。

    By this methods , it is possible to realize the full-text and mixed retrieval of information in Chinese and foreign languages .

  14. 对经济制度而言,无论是私有制,还是公有制,或者二者的混合形式,根据现实条件,都可以成为实现每个人共同支配与平等分享社会财富的具体形式。

    For economic system , whether private or public ownership , or a mixture of both , according to real condition , can be the particular form in which social wealth are governed and shared by everyone equally .