
  • 网络CAM;kem;Kim;Kym
  1. 我最近的获奖者有提姆•提博,凯姆•牛顿和罗伯特•格林芬三世。

    And some of my most recent winners include Tim Tebow , Cam Newton and Robert Griffin III.

  2. 凯姆:其实,如果我是你,我会在今天面试前先认真地考虑这些问题。

    Cam : Actually , if I were you , I would seriously consider this stuff before walking into that interview today .

  3. 当然,凯姆还学一些其他学科的课。

    Of course , Kim has lessons in other subjects , too .

  4. “海姆尔只怕喝得烂醉,”凯姆警告。

    " Hammer might be passed-out drunk ," Kem cautioned .

  5. 凯姆的过去将在在游戏中占多大分量呢?

    IGN : How much does Kaim 's past play into the game ?

  6. 由此可见,在许多重要方面,尔凯姆仍然是孔德实征主义的忠实信徒。

    In many important respects , therefore , Durkheim remained a faithful disciple of Comte 's positivism .

  7. 信德省的部长凯姆.沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。

    Sindh 's chief minister , Qaim Ali Shah , spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry .

  8. 射线闹鬼尺寸凯姆发布了迪士尼乐园幽灵鬼屋非常凉爽,新奥尔良广场的纸模型。

    Ray Keim of Haunted Dimensions released an extremely cool paper model of the Disneyland Haunted Mansion in New Orleans Square .

  9. 真正的安全剃刀是在19世纪70年代中期,由凯姆福兄弟发明的,不过当时依然使用锻造刀片。

    The safety razor was actually invented in the mid-1870s by the Kampfe Brothers , but it still used a forged blade .

  10. 利比亚副外长凯姆宣称,军队暂停了在米苏拉塔的行动,并将他们的阵地转交给亲卡扎菲的部落成员。

    Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim claimed the army was suspending operations in Misrata and would hand over positions to pro-Gadhafi tribesmen .

  11. 他们种植,切割,生产竹子的繁殖体,我们付给他们15比索,这个价格让他们很满意。”凯姆说道。

    They plant , they cut , they produce propagules of bamboo , we pay them 15 pesos , that 's good enough for them , " said Guiam .

  12. 在所有回归的热播剧集中,《欢乐合唱团》对于同性恋青年的处理手法是众所周知的;同时,《摩登家庭》中同性情侣麦切和凯姆也成为该剧最受欢迎的角色。

    Among the returning hit series , Glee 's tackling of teen homosexuality is well-known , while Modern Family 's Mitch and Cam are among the show 's most beloved characters .

  13. 所以当凯姆提到你们报纸的一个时政通讯员职位空缺的时候,我就觉得要抓住这个机会,我不想错失良机。

    When Cam mentioned that one of the political correspondent positions was opening up with your paper , I decided to jump at the opportunity . ② I didn 't want to miss the boat .

  14. 利比亚外交部副部长凯姆星期五在首都的黎波里对记者说,政府部队将不会停止试图关闭米苏拉塔港口。他谴责反叛分子利用这个港口“将武器运进城里并撤离一些犯罪分子。”

    Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim told journalists Friday in the capital Tripoli that government forces would not stop trying to close Misrata 's port , accusing the rebels of using it to " bring arms to the city and evacuate some criminals . "