
  • 网络Kofi Annan;Annen;Kofi A.Annan;Annam
  1. 安南秘书长在防治荒漠化和干旱世界日的致辞

    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan 's Message on the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

  2. 联合国秘书长对联合国变革的影响:安南与潘基文之比较

    The Influence of the UN Secretary-General on Organizational Change : A Comparison between Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon

  3. 安南先生在继续自己的工作前先短暂休息了一下。

    Mr Annan took a short break before resuming his schedule

  4. 安南先生说该地区现在必须为经济发展与和平而奋斗。

    Mr Annan said the region must now strive for economic development as well as peace .

  5. 这次叙利亚问题行动小组(ActionGroupforSyria)会议被认为是重启安南今年4月斡旋达成的和平计划的一个尝试。

    The so-called Action Group for Syria is seen as an attempt to revive a peace plan brokered by Mr. Annan in April .

  6. 在批评AGRA没有吸收非洲人之后,2007年科菲安南被任命为其主席。

    After AGRA was criticized for not having any Africans , Kofi Anan was named Chairman in2007 .

  7. 330kV安南双回线主保护拒动问题分析

    The Analysis for the Inactivity of 330 kV An-Nan Double-circuit Line

  8. 尽管安南称巴沙尔阿萨德已经接受了他的提议,但是反对派人士的联络网地方协调委员会(localcoordinatingcommittees)表示,到周二晚些时候,叙利亚安全部队在全国又至少杀害了10人。

    Even as Mr Annan claimed Mr Assad had accepted his proposal , Syrian security forces had killed at least 10 people throughout the country by mid-afternoon on Tuesday , according to the local coordinating committees , an activist network .

  9. 如果亚洲国家想控制该地区的艾滋病疫情,就必须迅速采取行动,联合国秘书长科菲·安南(KofiAnnan)说。

    Asian countries must act quickly if they are to keep the region 's Aids epidemic in check , says Kofi Annan , secretary-general of the United Nations .

  10. 安南此前计划,在叙利亚军队今日从各城市撤军两天后,实现巴沙尔阿萨德(basharal-assad)政权与各个反政府组织之间的停火。

    Mr Annan was planning to bring about a ceasefire between the regime of Bashar al-Assad and the various groups fighting it two days after the withdrawal of Syrian troops from cities today .

  11. 叙利亚问题特使安南(KofiAnnan)周六将在日内瓦主持召开这次会议。但上述这些知情人士说,会议前的谈判并没有就叙利亚领导层变更的程序达成一致。

    But talks ahead of the meeting in Geneva on Saturday , which will be convened by Syria special envoy Kofi Annan , haven 't yielded any agreement on a process for a leadership change , these people said .

  12. 面对叙利亚难民的不断涌入,土耳其总理雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安(receptayyiperdogan)周日向安南施压,要求他“坚守”4月10日这一最后期限。

    Faced with a growing influx of refugees from Syria , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , the Turkish premier , pressed Mr Annan on Saturday to " hold firm " on the April 10 deadline .

  13. 白宫发言人卡尼(JayCarney)说,安南的辞职提醒人们,俄罗斯和中国不支持安理会决议,这样做等于是站在了历史和叙利亚人民的对立面。

    Mr. Annan 's resignation served as a reminder that Russia and China , by failing to support Security Council resolutions , were ' on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of the Syrian people , ' said White House spokesman Jay Carney .

  14. 象是弗吉尼亚州安南达尔的一个建筑。

    It looks like a construction site in annandale , virginia .

  15. 安南联合国改革报告评析

    Some Comments on Kofi Annan 's Report on UN Reform

  16. 在一些领域,安南取得了显著的成就。

    In some areas Mr Annan notched up notable achievements .

  17. 昔日安南王室曾用过的两张不大的御座。

    Two small thrones where the old Annamese royalty had sat.

  18. 张辅也对安南的发展及中越之间文化交流做出了重要贡献。

    He made an importantly contribution to Annamese development and mutual cultural exchanges .

  19. 安南和平计划包括停火和关于临时政府的谈判。

    The Annan plan included a cease-fire and talks on a temporary government .

  20. 如今,安南又一次站在了十字路口。

    Today the Annamese are again at a cross-road .

  21. 希望在那里获得到安南的通路。

    He hoped to obtain a passage to annam .

  22. 安南在伊拉克战争的重建问题上丧失了支持。

    Mr Annan lost favour during the build up to the war in Iraq .

  23. 安南呼吁北韩倾听国际社会的声音。

    Annan urged North Korean to listen and hear what the world is saying .

  24. 至于那安南巡捕更可笑了。

    The Vietnamese policemen looked even more ridiculous .

  25. 安南补充称,大马士革宣称已经开始从某些地区撤军。

    Damascus claimed it had begun withdrawing from some areas , Mr Annan added .

  26. 安南之役是清乾隆年间中、安之间发生的一场战争。

    The War between Qing Dynasty and Annam occurred in the periods of Qianlong .

  27. 而安南也未能达成停火协议。

    Annan also failed to obtain a cease-fire .

  28. 安南说,这也是为什么这次公投如此特别的原因之一。

    According to Annan , that is part of what made this vote so special .

  29. 元朝与安南之关系

    The Relation of Yuan Dynasty and Annam

  30. 在安南代尔哈得逊的巴德学院,学生的年收入中位数只有3.57万美元。

    At Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson , the median annual earnings were only $ 35700 .