
  • 网络kaiyuan heyday period;The Flourishing Kaiyuan Reign Period
  1. 至此,中国在世界同时代的国家中已成为鼎盛帝国,史称“开元盛世”。

    So far , China reached the height of power and splendour among her contemporary empires . This period was " Kaiyuan Flourishing Age " in history .

  2. 在此期间出现的贞观之治,开元盛世构成了中华民族引以为傲的盛唐气象。

    Presented " governing of the Zhenguan ", " the New Year prosperous times " constitutes the Chinese nation to take for the arrogant glorious age of Tang poetry meteorology .

  3. 吏能与文儒派的努力成就了开元盛世,而也正是通过吏能与文儒之争,儒学与文学的关系在礼乐体系内部达成了相对平衡。

    Li neng and Wen ru had the enormous contribution to the Kai Yuan prosperous times , through the disputation the relation of Confucianism and literary was balanced in the system of rites and music .

  4. 开元盛世在唐玄宗执政的开元年间(713——741),唐朝(618——907)毫无疑问成为了当时世界上最强大的、最富有、最精致的国家。

    Heyday of Kaiyuan During the Kaiyuan reign ( 713 - 741 ) of Emperor Xunzong , Tang ( 618 - 907 ) Empire justifiably became the largest , richest , most sophisticated state in the world at that time .

  5. 唐代前期疆域辽阔、政局稳定、经济发达、文化繁荣,是我国古代社会发展的高峰时期,贞观、开元等盛世局面也一直被后人所称颂。

    With vast territory , stable council , developed economies and prosperous cultures , the prophase of Tang Dynasty reached a peak through the development of the ancient society , during which the Golden Years , Kaiyuan Spirit are always admired by the posterity .