
  • 网络Eunuch dictatorship;eunuch monopolizing power
  1. 论唐朝后期的宦官专权

    The Eunuch 's Monopoly Of Power in Late Tang Dynasty

  2. 在一定程度上,它是与唐代的政局变动、宦官专权、藩镇割据等重大问题结合在一起的。

    In some degree , it relates the change of political situation , eunuch 's politics and local separate regime politics .

  3. 唐代是中国历史上宦官专权最严重的朝代,也是反宦官斗争遭遇挫折最大的时代。

    Tang Dynasty is the most serious dynasty of eunuch dictatorship in china history , and also the most hard time encountering setbacks in struggling against eunuch .

  4. 加速生祠普遍化的社会因素主要包括各地的赋役改革、地方动乱、宦官专权等。

    The social factors accelerating the generalization of these temples include the reforms of taxes and corv é e , local rebellion , the monopoly of eunuch , etc.

  5. 到东汉末年,宦官专权,吏治腐败,政局动荡,传统的经学已经不适应社会发展的需要,弊端百出。

    In the late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty , eunuchs autocratic , corrupt officials , political instability , the traditional Confucian classics had no community development to meet more social needs .

  6. 安史之乱使农业生产受到极大破坏,接着又有藩镇割据、宦官专权和朋党之争,使唐朝政局更为混乱。

    Agriculture was seriously destroyed , then vassal states set up separatist regimes by force , eunuchs grabbed all the powers , parties contended for power and profits , the political situation of Tang was in great turmoil .

  7. 东汉时,皇帝则是不得不仰仗外戚,否则将无法维持自己的政权,因为大多数嫔妃出身贵族或豪门。与西汉不同的另一点是东汉时宦官专权。

    On the contrary , a ruler in the Eastern Han had to depend on clans , otherwise , he couldn 't maintain the sovereignty , for most consorts came from the upper class or rich and powerful families . Another difference was that eunuchs arrogated power .

  8. 这一时期,太学生已发展到30000余人,各郡县的儒生也很多,就与官僚士大夫结合,在朝野形成一个庞大的官僚士大夫反宦官专权的社会政治力量,批评宦官专权乱政。

    At that time , the number of students in the state academy had reached up to over 30 000 . Along with many Confucian scholars in the prefectures and counties , they allied with scholar-bureaucrats , forming a huge political force in the court and the commonalty to criticize the eunuchs * interference in the regime .

  9. 略论明代中后期的宦官擅权中晚唐监察体制与宦官专权

    Supervision System and Monopolized Power of the Eunuch in Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

  10. 公元146年,桓帝在位时,这一斗争出现了转折点。宦官的权利达到无以复加的地步,在朝廷中掀起更大的波澜,形成东汉王朝后期的宦官与外戚专权的格局。

    The year 146 , when Emperor Huan came to the throne , it was a turning point at which palace eunuchs began to rise to supremacy , causing even greater upheavals in the court . The Eastern Han Dynasty entered its last stage when consort clans and eunuchs had the imperial power in hands .

  11. 神策军中尉是唐代中后期宦官最为显赫的职务,其职权通过典领中央禁军而不断延伸,逐步侵夺宰相的议政决策大权,进而把持朝政,最终形成宦官专权的局面。

    The power of the commander of Shen-ce Forces was so greatly strengthened that it gradually took over the power of the prime minister and controlled the court administration in the end .