
táng shī
  • Tang poetry;poetry of the Tang Dynasty
唐诗[táng shī]
  1. 唐诗在句法方面省略现象非常多见。

    Omissions are very common in poetry of the Tang Dynasty .

  2. 论唐诗的酒文化内涵

    On the Connotation of Wine Culture Embedded in the Poetry of the Tang Dynasty

  3. 这孩子五岁时就能把许多唐诗倒背如流。

    The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five .

  4. 她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。

    She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry , etc.

  5. 这部《全唐诗》分成十二函。

    This set of complete Tang poems is in twelve cases .

  6. 唐诗如贵介公子,举止风流。(谢榛《四溟诗话》)

    Tang poetry is like a noble prince whose behaviour is refined and tasteful .

  7. 唐诗在美国的翻译与接受

    On Translation and Reception of Tang Poetry in the United States

  8. 南宋唐诗文献工作的深化

    The Deepening of the Tang Poetry Documents Works in South-song Dynasty

  9. 作为诗歌高潮的唐诗自然就成为人们注意的焦点。

    As the climax of the tang poetry naturally the limelight .

  10. 唐诗在唐朝的传播方式

    The Mode of Dissemination for Tang Poetry in The Tang Dynasty

  11. 唐诗用心,而不是用思想,去体验生活。

    Tang Shi feels life by heart , not by mind .

  12. 论《唐诗三百首》中的颜色词翻译

    On Translation of Color Words in 300 Pieces of Tang Poems

  13. 胡乐胡舞与唐诗

    The Foreign Music and Dance and the Poem of Tang Dynasty

  14. 北宋几种文学批评形式中的唐诗研究

    Studies of Tang Poetry in Literary Criticisms of Northern Song Dynasty

  15. 唐诗英译是世界的趋势、需要。

    English translation of Tang poetry is theworld trends and needs .

  16. 唐诗中凤凰意象的世俗化和唯美化

    The Secularization and Glorification of Phoenix Image in Tang Poetry

  17. 论唐诗英译中语用预设的传递

    The Transference of Pragmatic Presuppositions in the English Translation of Tang Poems

  18. 论唐五代唐诗学与诗歌创作的离合

    Contrast of Poetics and Poetic Creation in the Five Dynasties

  19. 论唐诗体裁系统的优势

    On the Advantages of the Style System of Tang Poetry

  20. 中国古典诗歌的最高峰是唐诗。

    Chinese classical poetry is the highest level in the Tang Dynasty .

  21. 唐诗在中国文学的巅峰地位已众所公认。

    The zenith of Tang-Dynasty poetry in Chinese literature is universally acknowledged .

  22. 唐诗传播的文字形态与功能

    The Written Form in Spreading China 's Tang Dynasty and Its Function

  23. 接受理论与唐诗词英译中文化差异的处理

    Reception Theory and Cultural Differences in Translation of Tang Poems

  24. 唐诗句法修辞对语境的创造

    The Creation of Contexts by Syntactic Rhetoric in Tang Poems

  25. 古典诗论中的唐诗句法修辞研究

    The Syntax-rhetoric Study of Tang Poetry in Classical Chinese Poetics

  26. 严羽对古典唐诗学的建构及其贡献

    On Yanyu 's Construction and Contribution to Classical Tang Poems ' Study

  27. 唐诗是我国诗歌发展的一个巅峰阶段。

    Tang poetry is the summit in the development of Chinese poetry .

  28. 唐诗&反映当时伟大时代的镜子

    Tang Poems , a Mirror of the Great Historical Period

  29. 第一章,唐诗中的丝织物。

    Chapter One , the silk texture in Tang poems .

  30. 但是,真正对唐诗进行理论总结的却是宋人。

    However , the real to tang poetry theory is summarized poets .