
dà yè
  • great cause;great undertaking;empire;academic career
大业 [dà yè]
  • (1) [great cause]∶伟大的功业、事业

  • (2) [empire]∶帝业

  • (3) [academic career]∶高深的学业

大业[dà yè]
  1. 大业都需要殉道�

    Every great cause has martyrs

  2. 中国的统一大业一定能够完成。

    The great cause of the reunification of China is bound to succeed .

  3. 他在全国四处游说,号召人们共赴大业。

    He barnstormed across the nation , rallying the people to the cause

  4. 转变机制有管理者收购(MBO),企业整合用战略性并购,国际化大业用的是外资并购。

    Changing mechanism utilizes Management Buy-outs ( MBO ); conformity utilizes strategic M A ; and internationalisation utilizes M A with foreign capital .

  5. 2003年,bp与tnk组建合资企业时,寡头们似乎是bp在俄罗斯成就大业所挑选的合作伙伴。

    When BP formed its joint venture with TNK in 2003 , oligarchs seemed the partners of choice for getting things done in Russia .

  6. Tanya在家里继续前总统林肯未完成的大业(废除奴隶制)

    Back home , Tonya was continuing to undo the work of Abraham Lincoln .

  7. 他的支持者说,这样可以给他充足的时间,铲除FARC,完成他对哥伦比亚的拯救大业。

    This would give him time to finish off the FARC and complete his rescue of Colombia , supporters say .

  8. 中兴称F7也有类似的做法,但该公司在受限国家的业务,最终损害了它在美国的宏图大业。

    ZTE said F7 had done something similar , though its business in restricted companies ended up hurting its American ambitions .

  9. 新世纪来临,面对加入WTO后新的国际竞争格局,民营企业需要应对更为强劲的挑战,同时改革开放的进一步深入,国民经济现代化大业的推进都需要民营企业发挥更大的作用。

    With stepping into new century , facing up the new international competition pattern after attending to WTO , facing up the further deepening of reform and opening up , those enterprises will play an more and more important role in advancing the modernized great cause of national economy .

  10. 索尼公司(Sony)将复兴大业的希望寄托在了极致轻薄防水的XperiaZ平板电脑上。与这款平板电脑同名的XperiaZ手机在市场上反响不错,索尼希望XperiaZ平板电脑也能复制成功。

    Sony ( SNE ) is setting its hopes on the svelte , bantam-weight , waterproof Xperia Tablet Z. It aims to duplicate the success of the popular smartphone of the same name , says the firm .

  11. 可你只想借此成就你的大业。

    But you want to do glorious things in my service .

  12. 这个世界不过是成就吾等大业的一处据点罢了。

    This world is merely a foothold for our expanding spheres .

  13. 一个人怎么竟能成就如此之大业。

    How on earth can one have accomplished such a feat .

  14. 希望能帮到你和假情郎的大业

    I hope I helped the cause with your faux beau .

  15. 一个简单的例子:国产大片《建国大业》。

    A simple example : A blockbuster Founding of the Republic .

  16. 树行业典范,兴鲁洲大业,是我们不懈的追求。

    Tree industry model , Hing Luzhou cause is our unremitting pursuit .

  17. 成就大业著皆是大梦想家。

    All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers .

  18. 詹姆斯先生正要拯救我的选举大业

    Well , Mr. James here was about to rescue my campaign .

  19. 改革开放时代呼唤精品力作文化立市大业需要优秀的文学艺术家&在深圳市文学艺术界联合会第五次代表大会上的讲话

    Keynote Speech at the Third Congress of Shenzhen Literary and Art Association

  20. 澳门回归在祖国统一大业中的地位

    The Status of Macao 's Return in the Motherland Reunification

  21. 他还差两件命案才完成大业。

    He 's two murders away from completing his masterpiece .

  22. 他苦读了三十寒暑,后终成大业。

    He studied hard for30 years and succeeded at last .

  23. 因此,对当今的侨乡宗族应该因势利导,趋利避害,让其为和平统一祖国的大业服务。

    Nowadays we should let it serve the great cause of unifying motherland .

  24. 祖国统一大业取得新进展。

    Fresh progress has been made in the great cause of national reunification .

  25. 这些新情况威胁到了政府的整个宏图大业。

    These developments threatened the whole edifice of government .

  26. 加强国际文化交流,为促进海峡两岸的统一大业。

    To strengthen the international cultural exchange , to promote the cross-strait reunification .

  27. 孔子的爱国主义思想与祖国统一大业

    Confucius Patriotism Ideology and the Unity of Our Motherland

  28. 治黄大业中的坝系农业

    The Dam System Agriculture in Harnessing the Yellow River

  29. 要成大业,自信第一。

    Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertaking .

  30. 开发图书馆信息资源服务辽宁振兴大业

    Developing Information Resources of Library and Serving Liaoning Growing