
  • 网络Tang Paradise;datang furong garden
  1. 第二章介绍了大唐芙蓉园的发展背景和目前的景区概况。

    Chapter Two introduces the background and development of Tang Paradise .

  2. 影响旅游者决策的相关情境因素分析&以大唐芙蓉园为例

    An analysis on the impact of correlative situational factors on tourist decision-making & A case study of Tang Paradise

  3. 观众朋友们,这大唐芙蓉园里还有一个唐代集市。

    Audience friends , in the Datang Furongyuan Park , there is also a Tang-style market .

  4. 怎么样,这大唐芙蓉园是不是很有唐代风采呢?

    Do you think the Datang Furongyuan Park is tinged with the flavor of the Tang Dynasty ?

  5. 第一章介绍了研究意义和研究方法,并且从大唐芙蓉园研究及其营销研究两个角度进行了文献综述。

    Chapter One introduces the research purposes and methods of this study . In the meantime , literature reviews have been put forward in two following perspectives : study on Tang Paradise itself and on its marketing .