
dà míng
  • one's formal personal name;your name;great reputation
大名 [dà míng]
  • (1) [one's formal personal name]∶某人的正式名字

  • (2) [your name]∶对方名字的敬称

  • (3) [great reputation]∶显赫的名气

大名[dà míng]
  1. 摘要号称中国四大名陶之一的钦州坭兴陶目前由于营销观念滞后,市场占有率较低。

    The Qinzhou nixing pottery being known as one of Chinese four one 's formal personal name earthenwares encourages an earthenware selling concept at preset became of camp lagging behind , market share comparatively low .

  2. 人们叫他米奇,因为他大名叫米切尔。

    He is called Mitch , because his name is Mitchell

  3. 他并不认识他们,但已久仰他们的大名。

    He did not know them personally , but he was familiar with their reputation

  4. 请教大名?

    What 's your name , please ?; May I have your name ?

  5. 先生大名,如雷灌耳,小弟献丑,真是班门弄斧了。

    Your great name long since reached my ears like thunder . I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself .

  6. 和田玉是中国五大名玉之一

    Nephrite is one of China 's most five famous jades .

  7. N大名品的网络叫卖

    N Big Famous Network Marketing

  8. 但是,仅仅过了3年,它就决定停用IBM的大名了。

    But instead , it decided to stop using the IBM name after just three .

  9. 不久后,人们告诉他,他们在“毛拉FM”上听到了他的大名,沙赫·道兰出言恐吓他的人身安全。

    Afterwards people told him his name was heard on Mullah FM in a threat from Shah Douran .

  10. 不是电子邮件,是真的纸质的信,上面有FogCreek软件公司的抬头。我还用墨水笔,醒目地签上自己的大名。

    Not email , a real piece of paper on Fog Creek letterhead , which I sign myself in actual ink .

  11. 你的大名是ManuelAlberto。

    Your name is Manuel Alberto Javier Alejandro Delgado .

  12. (我们承认,评级下调的消息周二起在推特(Twitter)上被转发之前,我们从没有听说过这个研究机构的大名。

    ( We 'll admit , we had never heard of this firm until today when news of the downgrade starting spreading across Twitter ) .

  13. 二十年前,没人听说过《哈利?波特》的作者JK?罗琳的大名。

    Twenty years ago , no one had heard of Harry Potter author JK Rowling .

  14. 它的发明者是梅尼西o塞西,这是一位在网上暴得大名的博主。之所以出名,是因为他曾经雇了一位女性,只要看到他不当心打开了Facebook就扇他一巴掌。

    Pavlok was created by Maneesh Sethi , a blogger who became Internet-famous when he hired a woman to slap him every time he mindlessly opened Facebook .

  15. 作为娱乐设备,Xbox实现了一次重大的品牌延伸,其大名已是家喻户晓。

    The Xbox has become a household name with major brand extensions as an entertainment device .

  16. 在国际采购部经理陈文丽的带领下,分别参观了品酒大厅、五大名庄VIP房以及地下酒窖等西堡酒庄标志性景点。

    Showed around by Ms Chen , manager of purchasing dept , they visited hallmarks of Chateau Somso such as wine tasting hall , Five VIP Rooms and wine cellar .

  17. 如果你甚至连折磨那些电话推销人员的时间或心力都没有,请在www.donotcall.gov这个网站上写上你的大名。词语解释:1.tormentv.折磨2.telemarketern.电话销售员

    If you don 't have the time or the heart to torment telemarketers , put your name on the National Do Not Call Registry at www.donotcall.gov .

  18. Kira和大名相处得并不好,我们也不确定到底是什么原因。

    Kira and the two daimyo did not get along . We are not sure exactly what the reason was .

  19. 来自俄罗斯的斯维特拉娜和尤里夫妇收养了一只三个月大名叫Stepan的大棕熊。

    Russian family Svetlana and Yuriy adopted the very large bear named Stepan aged three months .

  20. 因此,他一直被他的岳父(一个名叫“UyesugiSama”的大名)手下的一群守卫保护着。

    Therefore , he surrounded himself at all times by a host of guards provided by a daimyo named Uyesugi Sama who was his father-in-law .

  21. 我们遇到了一个名叫莎莉罕·巴诺(SahlihaBano)的女人,她有一个11个月大名叫莫妮(Munni)的女儿,严重营养不良。

    One woman we met , Sahliha Bano , is a villager with an 11-month-old girl named Munni , who is acutely malnourished .

  22. 我们在很多商业杂志上都看到过你的大名并且知道你在这最近的五年内一直为中国各地提供最上层的CROSSETTSTYLUS。

    We have seen your name in various trade magazines and we understand that you have been supplying CROSSETT STYLUS printers of the best quality to all places over China for these five years .

  23. 只要看到球馆没有别的赞助商的大名——除了SmoothieKing,一家当地的饮品店——就知道鹈鹕面临着什么样的严重问题(相比之下,圣徒队的主场就是他们隔壁的梅赛德斯-奔驰超圆屋顶体育场)。

    Look no further than the title sponsor on their building - Smoothie King , a regional drink shop - to realize that the Pelicans have a serious relevancy problem . ( By contrast , the NFL 's Saints play in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome next door . )

  24. 未来几周各大名品店将陆续推出今秋新品,马切萨(Marchesa)、芬迪、唐娜-凯伦(DonnaKaran)、Marni和DerekLam等设计的皮草手袋将缤纷亮相。

    The fall collections , which begin arriving in stores in coming weeks , were a veritable parade of handbags made of fur from the likes of Marchesa , Fendi , Donna Karan , Marni and Derek Lam .

  25. 无论如何,他的行为和态度都让人难以忍受,不过是另一位大名Kamei君首先决定要杀Kira。

    Either way , his actions and attitude became too much to bear , but it was actually the other daimyo , Lord Kamei , who first decided he wanted to kill Kira .

  26. 他整天泡在酒吧和妓院里,醉醺醺地在街上跌跌撞撞地走着,当众大吵大闹,好让所有人都知道ōishi——曾经引以为豪的昭子大名的武士——的下场。

    He would spend his days in bars and brothels , stumbling drunk through the streets and causing a scene so everyone would know what had become of ō ishi , once proud samurai of the Ako daimyo .

  27. 在进口葡萄酒当中,除了五大名庄、CASTEL,美国星座,德国黑塔,智利桑雅等少数几个品牌外,为消费者普遍熟悉的品牌并不多,国人对进口葡萄酒的总体认知度不高。

    In the import of wine , in addition to five famous village , CASTEL , the United States of America constellation , German black tower , Chile Sonya and a few brands , not brand for consumers generally familiar , the overall awareness of imported wine is not high .

  28. 怎么样,我的大名如雷贯耳吧!

    How , my name like a thunderclap piercing the ear !

  29. 它是中国的四大名楼之一。

    It is one of the four famous pavilions in China .

  30. 晚上好!我可是久仰你的大名。

    Good evening ! I have heard your name many times .