
  • 网络university district;university area
  1. 想看到更多传统艺术,可以拜访大学区内的日惹文化办公室(DinasKebudayaan)。

    For the more traditional arts , drop by the Yogyakarta Cultural Office , the Dinas Kebudayaan , in the university district .

  2. 它是仿效法国而试行的,其模型就是法国的大学区制。

    It copied France 's university district .

  3. B也许去海淀。那里有很多不错的酒吧,就在大学区周围。

    Maybe to Haidan . It 's a good place for clubs , around the university area .

  4. 正文第三部分总结分析了大学院与大学区制失败的原因。

    The causes of its failure are analyzed in last section .

  5. 嗯,大学区周末有演出。

    Well , there is a play on campus this weekend .

  6. 目前有十几名中国留学生在该大学区读书。

    Currently , there are dozens of Chinese students studying in the university .

  7. 大学区有很好的氛围。

    The university area has a good atmosphere .

  8. 事发后,新华社记者与在该大学区读书的几名中国留学生取得了联系。

    After the incident , Xinhua reporters contacted several Chinese students in the university .

  9. 北京的大学区在哪里?

    Where is the University area in Beijing ?

  10. 正文第二部分对大学院和大学区制的创立作了详细的介绍,并对其开始试行到最后失败的过程进行了较为详尽的叙述。

    The second section introduces the specific details on its foundation , operation and failure .

  11. 之后,教会借用大学区的浸信会聚会,前后约三年。

    Afterward , the church moved to University Baptist Church near the University of Washington .

  12. 民国教育史上一次昙花一现的改革&大学院与大学区制的试行

    A short-lived educational reform in the Republic of China & the attempted system of university institute and the university district

  13. 围绕着如何建设这所最高学府,国民政府也进行了大学区制的试验。

    Centering on how to build the highest seat of learning , the National Government tried the system of University Area .

  14. 大学区制虽然失败了,但它所提倡的行政学术化,仍有现实的意义,值得人们加以探讨研究。

    Although university district was a failure , the academic administration hence initiated is still of prompt significance to us today .

  15. 北京的场馆规划主要分布在4个区域:大学区、西部社区、北部旅游风景区和中心区。

    These facilities will mainly be scattered in four areas - university , western community , northern tourism and central areas .

  16. 在民国时期的大学院和大学区制的变革最终失败的过程中,派系斗争是其失败的重要原因。

    Factional struggle played an important role in the final failure of the system reform of university institute and university district .

  17. 民国时期,分区设置高校的重要设想和大学区制的试行初步奠定了我国高等教育布局的基本格局。

    The conception about establishing colleges and universities zonally in Republic of China had initiated a basic pattern for higher education .

  18. 1927&1929年以实行大学区制为主要目标,合并一些大学和专门学校,建立综合性大学。

    From 1927 to 1929 , to practise the system of university areas , some colleges and schools were combined into multiversities .

  19. 在北京最接近大学区的家乐福超市,大量穿制服或便衣的警力阻止了大多数抗议者。

    In Beijing , a heavy uniformed and undercover police presence deterred most protesters at the branch of Carrefour closest to the university district .

  20. 其他地方,例如内华达州的克拉克郡,也就是拉斯维加斯的所在地和全美第五大学区,采用的则是基于禁欲主义的性教育大纲。

    Other places , like Clark County , Nev. , home to Las Vegas and the nation 's fifth-largest school district , teach abstinence-based curriculums .

  21. 1927年南京国民政府成立之初,在蔡元培的主持下进行了一次著名的教育行政制度改革,即出台并试行了大学院与大学区制。

    When the former National Government was first built in 1927 , the system called the System of University Institution and University District was thus established and was tried out .

  22. 那房子本身就是一个历史的见证,尽管它自然不会像大学区与第五大街南部某些住宅那样令人肃然起敬。

    The house in itself was already an historic document , though not , of course , as venerable as certain other old family houses in University Place and lower Fifth Avenue .

  23. 论文正文第一部分介绍了大学院和大学区制产生的背景。大学院和大学区制的创立基于教育独立的思想,它产生的背景是民国时期的教育独立思潮;

    The first section of this paper deals with the background of the university council and the university district based on the educational independent thought in the education independent thought in Nationalist China .

  24. 这里的说唱乐以东海岸风格为主,略带一丝亚特兰大蒸汽朋克风格,和美国一样,乐手们经常在大学区附近表演,歌词中往往带点政治色彩。

    Based largely on East Coast styles with a bit of Atlanta steampunk thrown in , crews perform often near the university district and , as in the United States , can take on a political edge .

  25. 北京的32个比赛场馆均位于交通干线附近,分为四个主要的赛区,奥林匹克公园、西部社区、大学区和北部风景区。

    The32 venues in Beijing are conveniently located along the main transportation routes within the city in four primary clusters : the Olympic green , the western community area , the university area and the North Scenic area .

  26. 大学院和大学区制的主要倡导者和领导人是民国时期著名教育家蔡元培,大学院事件也是蔡元培人生的一大转折。

    Cai Yuanpei , the eminent educator in Nationalist China , is the main advocator and leader of the university council and university district , " the case of university council " is also the turning point of his life .

  27. 一般来讲,四周有文化娱乐场所、商业写字楼及成熟的住宅社区、大学区、商业区等地方,都是可以选择的开店位置。

    Will tell commonly , around literate the place such as division of office building of public place of entertainment , commerce and mature residential community , college , shopping centre , it is the place of set up shop that can choose .

  28. 虽然以前几乎没有研究显示,在校独立阅读和更好的阅读习惯或理解力存在关联,但包括波士顿和芝加哥在内的一些大学区鼓励教师每天给学生留一些时间,供他们挑选和阅读书籍。

    While previous studies have shown little connection between independent reading time at school and better reading habits or comprehension , some large school districts , including Boston and Chicago , encourage teachers to include time in the day for students to pick books and read .

  29. 其目的是把中国首都的重心从北部的高科技大学区转移到更为贫困的南部郊区,这是一个更加雄心勃勃计划的一部分,该计划旨在把北京及其腹地改造成中国北方一个21万平方公里的经济引擎。

    It is meant to shift the Chinese capital 's center of gravity away from its high-tech university district in the north toward its poorer southern suburbs - part of an even more ambitious plan to remake Beijing and its hinterland into an 82000-square-mile economic locomotive for northern China .

  30. 她住在大学校园区内。

    She lives on campus .