
  • 网络overlord;OVERLAD;Grand Monarch
  1. 封建契约的一个方面是责令各诸侯为其大君主提供军事援助,从而确保君主对他们的保护。

    One part of the feudal contract bound vassals to give military aid to their superior lords in return for guaranteed protection .

  2. 其结果,欧洲各大封建君主拥有军团,随时卷入相互间的秘密战争。

    As a result the great feudal lords throughout Europe formed militias , ever ready to engage in private warfare with each other .

  3. 罗马教皇与君士坦丁堡皇帝之间的关系常常紧张到破裂的程度,原因是西帝国皇帝不存在了,东帝国的皇帝是受制于罗马大主教的世俗大君主。

    Relations between the popes in Rome and the emperors in Constantinople were often strained to breaking point . officially , because no Western emperor existed , the Eastern Emperor was the secular overlord of the bishop of rome .