
tài zǐ fēi
  • wife of the crown prince
  1. 如今,四十岁的太子妃只剩下一副躯壳了。

    Today the 40-year-old princess is a shell of her former self .

  2. 本太子妃难道连去趟厕所也没有自由吗?

    Do not even trip to the toilet of the Crown Princess no freedom ?

  3. 在听闻《太子妃升职记》又能够观看之后,有大批网友赶去观看。

    Fans rushed to watch the new series as soon as it was available again .

  4. 昨天,中国网络自制古装剧《太子妃升职记》已经从网站上下线。

    Chinese online costume drama " Go Princess Go " was taken down from the website yesterday .

  5. 这对皇室夫妇有一个两岁大的女儿,是在太子妃不幸流产一年后出生的。

    The royal couple has a 2-year-old daughter , born a year after the princess suffered a miscarriage .

  6. 但就在狄公向太后游说之时,发生了太子妃死亡的事件。

    But at the Di Gong to the Queen Mother to lobby when the deaths occurred in Crown Princess .

  7. 比如,太子妃的饰演者张天爱,她男女角色切换自如。

    For instance , Zhang Tian'ai , who plays the crown princess , switches deftly between male and female personas .

  8. 广大拱增长使得有可能成长为一个独立的皇太子妃玛加丽上升设置成草坪。

    The broad arching growth makes it possible to grow Crown Princess Margareta as a free-standing rose set into a lawn .

  9. 《太子妃升职记》爆红后,一些媒体专家预测,2016年将会有许多类似的电视剧出现。

    After the success of Go Princess Go , some media experts forecast an outbreak of similar TV series in 2016 .

  10. 在乐视网举办的新闻发布会上,甘薇表示,《太子妃升职记》大电影的拍摄也在筹划中。

    At the press conference held by LeTV , Gan said that a Go Princess Go movie project is being planned .

  11. 撒托说,奥巴马夫人是已故英国戴安娜太子妃的新形像。戴安娜因为个人的风格和慈善工作而受到景仰。

    She called Michelle Obama a new version of the late British Princess Diana , an international personality admired for her style and charity work .

  12. 作为一个登山上涨,太子妃玛加丽是理想的靠墙的训练,也许其中香味可以享受一个入口。

    As a climbing rose , Crown Princess Margareta is ideal trained against a wall , perhaps by an entrance where the fragrance can be enjoyed .

  13. 《太子妃升职记》是一部非常滑稽逗乐的古装剧,截止下线时,已在全网创造了26亿人次的观看记录。

    The drama , which received a record 2.6 billion views by the time it was taken off the air , was a much ridiculed funny fashion costume drama .

  14. 荷兰的皇储及太子妃参加了画展的开幕仪式。这不仅是博物馆之间的交往,还是两国之间的外交手腕。

    " It is seen as an act of diplomacy not just between the Rijksmuseum and the Met , but between the Netherlands and the United States ," boasts Mr Liedtke .

  15. 对许多日本妇女来说,特别是那些和王妃一样有抱负的女人,太子妃苦苦挣扎的消息对于她们来说是沉重的打击。

    For many women in japan , particularly those who might have hitched their ambitions to those of the princess , the news that Princess Masako is struggling has hit home .

  16. 一周前下线的热门网剧《太子妃升职记》,在内容被删减了三分之一后,正式宣告回归。

    The hit online drama Go Princess Go , which was removed from the Internet a week ago is now back , after editing that cut one third of the show .

  17. 毫无疑问,日本内务部明显几年前就作出了决定,一切和太子妃相关的其他活动都不如生个儿子重要。

    Out of concern , the Imperial Household Agency apparently decided years ago that all other activities related to Princess Masako must be secondary to the issue of having a son .

  18. 安倍昭惠也对日本太子妃雅子表示了同情。雅子育有4岁的女儿爱子,但因未为日本皇室生育男性继承人而饱受压力。

    Akie Abe voiced sympathy for Crown Princess Masako , who has a4-year-old daughter , Princess Aiko , but has been under intense pressure to bear a male heir to the throne .

  19. 但是在过去的几个月中,修改继承法的事情却无人再提,这不禁引起人们的猜测,认为此次太子妃腹中的胎儿必是男孩无疑。

    The fact that the question of rewriting the law has not been raised in the past few months has prompted speculation in some quarters that the baby may be a boy .

  20. 日本太子妃小和田雅子的预产期日益临近。日本这个世界上历史最悠久的君主制国家即将再添新丁。目前日本国人个个拭目以待,翘首期盼小皇太子的诞生。

    Anticipation is rising across an expectant Japan as the date draws closer for Crown Princess Masako to give birth to a possible , and long-awaited , heir for the world 's oldest monarchy .

  21. 剧情中,男性对待女性生理期这一部分很搞笑,但是大部分剧情讲述的还是太子妃如何和男人、女人产生爱情。

    It pokes fun at a man having to deal with a woman 's menstrual cycle , but for the most part it focuses on how this princess begins developing romantic relationships with both men and women .

  22. 醒来后,他发现自己拥有了一位名叫张芃芃的古代中国美女的身体(张天爱饰演),之后他了解到了张芃芃是太子妃。

    Upon waking , he discovers that he now inhabits the body of a beautiful woman living in ancient China named Zhang Pengpeng ( actress Zhang Tian'ai ) , who Zhang later realizes is the wife of a prince .

  23. 该电视剧讲述的是一个现代花花公子意外穿越到了一个虚构的朝代,并且成为了当朝太子妃的传奇故事。自从去年十二月开播,这部剧集已经吸引了超过20亿的点击量。

    Telling a story about how a modern playboy accidently time travels to a fictional dynasty and turns into the wife of a crown prince , the series has attracted more than 2 billion clicks since its debut last December .

  24. 向法国的太子和太子妃致敬。

    To the Dauphin and Dauphine of france .

  25. 我听说中方已通过外交渠道表示希望日本皇太子和太子妃来中国访问。

    According to my information , through diplomatic channels , the Chinese side expressed the hope that the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan can come to China for a visit .

  26. 在东京,工作人员在皇宫以及德仁太子和雅子太子妃&这对准父母居住的宫殿前向人们分发小册子,以便让普通百姓们在上面写下祝福的话语。

    In Tokyo , books will be set out in front of the Imperial Palace and the separate palace where the parents-to-be reside so ordinary citizens can leave congratulatory messages .