
  • 网络heliosphere;Sol Chakram
  1. 但如今的气候模型却没有体现出来。部分原因是因为对太阳圈内紫外线变化量的估计比直接从SORCE中得来的要低的多。SORCE观察太阳所得出的数据,比其他的卫星更为精准。

    That models of today 's climate had not was , in part , because they used much lower estimates of the amount of UV variation over the solar cycle than those derived from the SORCE data , the most precise to be taken from a satellite looking at the sun .

  2. 气候和太阳圈

    Climate and the solar cycle

  3. 环绕太阳有圈淡淡的光晕。

    The sun had a faint halo round it

  4. 这是地球绕太阳,一圈所用的时间。

    That 's how long it takes us to go around the sun .

  5. 我们的地球围绕着太阳转一圈要花一年时间。

    It takes one year for our earth to go all the way around the sun .

  6. 拉姆拉每三百天绕自己唯一的太阳转一圈,这是个好数字,因为它意味着一年的时间不会拖拖拉拉地老过不完。

    The planet orbited its single sun every three hundred days , which was a good number because it meant the year didn 't drag by .

  7. 从日照充足的赤道到半年都晒不到太阳的北极圈,劳累的办公室工作者随处可见。强烈的阳光直射进室内。

    Tired people can be found in offices everywhere from the equator , where the sun shines down directly , to the Arctic Circle , where for half the year folks get much less direct sunlight .

  8. 半夜看到的太阳(在北极圈内或南极圈内)。

    The sun visible at midnight ( inside the arctic or antarctic circles ) .

  9. 通常,行星齿轮系统包含太阳轮,齿圈和两个或两个以上行星轮,所有齿轮都始终处于啮合状态。

    The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear , a ring gear and two or more planet gears , all remaining in constant mesh .

  10. 由耦合模型的仿真结果可知,行星架转速可以维持在理论值平稳运行。(3)针对系统不同的运行状态对太阳轮与齿圈的转速切换过程进行了仿真研究。

    According to the simulation results , the planet carrier can run steady in theory rotation speed . ( 3 ) The rotational speed switching of planetary gear system was simulated with state of starting , low load and hybrid .