
  • 网络Solar radiation intensity;Intensity of Solar Radiation;solar intensity
  1. 对于ηQ,云和水汽、太阳辐射强度、光周期对它都有影响。

    The cloud and water vapor , intensity of solar radiation , photoperiod have important influences on % η - Q % .

  2. 太阳辐射强度和建筑日照计算盘的构造原理及应用

    Circular slide rule for intensity of solar radiation and buildings sunshine

  3. 测试结果表明,在太阳辐射强度为15-23MJ/m2·d的条件下,每平方米集热面积的制冰量约为3.2-6.5kg/m2·d,系统制冷系数COP约为0.083-0.127。

    Year round measurement results showed that : the ice production of the solar refrigerator was about 3.2-6.5 kg / m2-d , and the corresponding COP was about 0.083-0.127 , under the conditions of the solar radiation being about 15-23 MJ / m2-d.

  4. 说明按有效云量即总云量与低云量之和的一半所判别的太阳辐射强度指数,将使Turner方法更简单、准确。

    It is also pointed out in the paper that the effective cloud amount defined as a half of the sum of total cloud cover and low-level cloud amount may simplify the cloud criteria and improve the accuracy in Turner 's approach .

  5. 北京山区落叶阔叶林优势种的水分利用效率(WUE)与其所在地的气候条件有很密切的关系,特别是大气相对湿度、太阳辐射强度、饱和水汽压亏缺(VPD)和温度。

    The long term water use efficiency ( WUE ), of key species in deciduous broad-leaved forest in Beijing Mountain area , is strongly related to relative humidity , solar radiation , vapor pressure deficit and temperature .

  6. 从制冷系统热动力学的理论出发,对太阳能热泵PV蒸发器建立了相应的二维模型,并对太阳辐射强度、环境温度以及结构参数等对运行状况的影响进行了数值模拟研究。

    From the theory of thermodynamics of refrigeration system , a two-dimension model for the evaporator of solar assisted heat pump was setup . Based on distributed parameters , the numerical simulation of the influence of radiation intensity , ambient temperature and model parameters on operating conditions was studied .

  7. 利用线性回归方法建立了边材液流速率与环境因子关系的多元线性模型,影响边材液流速率的主导因子是5cm和20cm土壤温度、太阳辐射强度、空气湿度和风速。

    Multiple linear models of sap flow velocity and environmental factors were developed at significant level , of which the important factors were soil temperature in depths of 5 cm and 20 cm , solar radiation , air humidity and wind speed .

  8. 结果表明,对于Trombe墙体式太阳能烟囱,存在可以获得最大通风量的最佳空气通道宽度与高度的比值,这个最佳比值是依赖于太阳能烟囱进口的设计,而与太阳辐射强度无关。

    Results showed that , for Trombe wall solar chimney , there is an optimum ratio of chimney gap-to height to achieve a maximum airflow rate , which is dependent on the inlet design and independent of solar radiation .

  9. 太阳辐射强度控制启停的光伏水泵自动控制器

    An on-off controller responding to insolation for PV pump

  10. 太阳能烟囱的通风量随着太阳辐射强度的增加和烟囱高度的增加明显加大。

    The predicted ventilation rate increases with solar radiation and solar chimney height .

  11. 全国主要城市冬季太阳辐射强度的研究

    Major Chinese cities ′ solar radiant intensities in winter

  12. 气流温度随着太阳能烟囱高度的增加和太阳辐射强度的增大而升高。

    Air temperature inside solar chimney increases with the increase of solar radiation and solar chimney height .

  13. 在实验的基础上,对温室内外的太阳辐射强度进行了模拟。

    The solar radiation intensity of outside and inside greenhouse was simulated on the basis of experiment results .

  14. 介绍了影响混凝土结构温度效应的太阳辐射强度和太阳辐射吸收系数的一般特性。

    The paper presents a discussion on the characteristics of the solar radiation intensity and solar radiation absorption coefficient .

  15. 气流速度随着通道宽度的增加而减小,随着太阳辐射强度的增加而增大。

    Air velocity inside solar chimney decreases with the increase of chimney gap and increases with the increase of solar radiation .

  16. 仿真模拟了随太阳辐射强度变化喷射式制冷系统的运行性能。

    A simulation model is set up to study the performance characteristics of ejector refrigeration system varying with the solar radiation .

  17. 本文介绍了一种由太阳辐射强度控制光伏水泵系统启动和停止的自动控制器,并给出它的性能及线路特点。

    Photovoltaic pump system , which is an important kind of solar energy applications , have tremendous social and economical advantages .

  18. 并提出了正确计算水汽吸收辐射量和气溶胶减弱辐射量的方法。同时还建立了便于普遍应用的和具有足够精度的计算太阳辐射强度的简易方法。

    For convenience in general use , a simple method for the computation of radiant intensities with sufficient precision is also established .

  19. 本文首先采用压控法对光伏驱动蓄电池充电特性进行实验研究,考察了充电过程中太阳辐射强度、充电电流、充电电压以及充电功率的变化特性。

    The changing characteristics of the solar radiation , charging current , charging voltage and charging intensity during the process have been studied .

  20. 北回归线贯穿云南,太阳辐射强度大,灵芝从太阳获得的能量多;

    Fourth , the Tropic of Cancer runs through Yunnan , solar radiation intensity , Ganoderma lucidum obtained more energy from the sun ;

  21. 通过调节电加热器的功率,模拟了太阳辐射强度随时间的变化情况,模拟集热器面积10m~2。

    Through regulation of the heater power , the solar radiation varying with the time was simulated . The collector was 10 square meter .

  22. 结果表明,气象参数对融后工况的影响程度有所不同,基本顺序为:太阳辐射强度环境温度环境风速相对湿度。

    Simulated results show that the order of weather parameters affecting the evaporation is as follows : solar radiation ambient temperature wind speed relative humidity .

  23. 而即时气温随太阳辐射强度增大而升高,致使太阳辐射越强烈,效率反而下降,成为提高冷却效果的热力学瓶颈。

    Therefore , as the transient air temperature increase with the solar radiation intensity , the intense solar radiation will lead to decrease of the efficiency .

  24. 结果表明,在所研究的范围内,集热面及玻璃盖板的壁面温度随时间的变化一致,且与太阳辐射强度随时间的变化一致。

    The results showed that in the scope of the study , the collector surface and the glass temperature change consistent with time and the solar radiation intensity .

  25. 太阳能电池在不同的温度和太阳辐射强度下具有不同的最大输出功率点,为了提高太阳能电池的利用率,我们可以采用最大功率点跟踪方法来控制其功率输出。

    In order to increase the utilization ratio of solar array , maximum power point tracking ( MPPT ) methods can be used to maximize its power output .

  26. 本文首先依据建筑环境学、建筑热过程的基础理论,分析投射到外窗表面的太阳辐射强度计算方法。

    Basing on the basic theory of built environment and building thermal process ,? the ? calculation method of solar radiation to the surface of windows was analyzed .

  27. 在客车空调负荷(按不稳定传热计算)的各种计算方法中,都可以采用本文提供的夏季外气计算参数及车体各壁面的太阳辐射强度的逐时值。

    Through calculation and analysis , it is proposed that the outside air parameters in Wuhan area may be adopted for summer air conditioning of passenger trains in China .

  28. 首先,对西安地区的太阳辐射强度进行了计算,并以计算出的辐射强度为依据,确定了模拟光源的辐射强度值;

    Xi'an area intensity of solar radiation has been computed which based on the Xi'an area intensity of solar radiation intensity , the simulation photo-source radiation intensity value has been determined .

  29. 并且,由于逆变器单元能根据太阳辐射强度而投入和切出,使得其效率比一般的独立系统要高。

    Furthermore , the efficiency level is higher than that of a stand-alone system , as the inverters can be switched in and out as required , depending on solar radiation .

  30. 同时对影响铝翼U型真空集热管的主要因素进行了分析,包括流体混合对流、太阳辐射强度、流体进口温度、流体进口速度。

    The elements influencing the heat transfer of U-type vacuum solar collector tube with copper fin such as fluid inlet velocity , fluid inlet temperature and solar radiation intensity are analyzed .