
  • 网络Taiping District
  1. 随着哈尔滨市经济和城市建设的飞速发展,太平区的作用越来越重要,越来越明显。

    With the rapid development of municipal construction and economy in Harbin , Taiping district begins to play more obvious and important role in it .

  2. 介绍了哈尔滨太平区粪便无害化处理厂的基本工艺流程和相关设备和构筑物。

    The basic technology , related equipment and treatment structures of night soil innocuous treatment plant in Harbin are presented .

  3. 广州市从化县太平工业区环境规划

    Environmental Planning of Taiping Industrial Zone in Conghua County , Guangzhou City

  4. 禁棺葬的政策对太平天国统治区的宗法社会产生了巨大冲击。

    The " Coffinless Burial " policy dealt a heavy blow upon the patriarchal system in the area controlled by the Taiping Regime .

  5. 新华社报道,这只老虎身上安装了追踪装置,已被查到在中国东北黑龙江省的太平沟自然保护区出现。

    Tagged with a tracking device , it has beenspotted in China'sTaipinggou nature reserve in northeastern Heilongjiang province , the official Xinhuanews agency said .

  6. 通过对青岛太平角酒吧休闲区概念规划的剖析,以实例分析的方法,进一步探讨在青岛发展酒吧街(区)休闲消费空间的方法。

    Through analysis the bar leisure area concept plan in Qingdao Taiping Cafe , with examples of the way to further study the development of Bar Street ( District ) recreation consume space in Qingdao .

  7. 本文的目的在于通过对太平湾水库淹没区农业生态系统现状结构组成特点的分析,以便为该地区进一步构建合理的农业生态系统结构提供理论依据。

    By the analysis of constitutional features in agricultural ecosystem structural status quo Of Taiping Bay Reservoir inundated zone , the text aims to provide theoretical bases for further rational agri - ecosystem structural construction of that area .