
tài yánɡ nénɡ fā diàn
  • Solar power;production of electricity from solar energy
  1. 太阳能发电用P型单晶硅放电切割特性研究

    Properties Research on Discharge Cutting of P-type Mono-crystalline Solar Silicon

  2. 阿诺•哈里斯是再生能源公司(RecurrentEnergy)的首席执行官,这家公司是太阳能发电项目的领先开发商,也是能源行业的资深企业。

    Arno Harris is the CEO of Recurrent Energy , a leading developer of solar power projects , and an energy industry veteran .

  3. 这项名为“伊凡帕太阳能发电系统”(IvanpahSolarElectricGeneratingSystem)的项目将于2013年竣工,届时将成为全球最大的太阳能项目。

    The project , the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System , when completed in2013 will supposedly be the largest solar project in the world .

  4. 基于ISC模式下的太阳能发电产业发展研究

    To Study on Developing of the Solar Power Industry Based on ISC Model

  5. 显然,太阳能发电是太阳能十项全能家园的重要组成部分,但家中所有的能源使用效率,包括高水平的保温,LED照明广泛,高效设备。

    Clearly , solar power is a big part of the Solar Decathlon homes , but all of the homes used energy-efficiency extensively , including high levels of insulation , LED lighting , and efficient appliances .

  6. 当被问及中国是否在公平竞争时,卡伦巴赫称firstsolar正努力鼓励中国开放市场,但就目前而言,中国采取的是特许权投标的方式由各家公司报出自己能够接受的太阳能发电电价。

    Asked if China was playing fair , Mr Kallenbach said first solar was trying to encourage China to open its markets but for the moment it was choosing the path of concessionary bidding where companies offer a price for the solar power they can produce .

  7. 其中以利用太阳能发电、风力发电以及生物质发电的应用最为广泛,而以PWM(Pulsewidthmodulation)技术为基础的馈能型功率变换装置在其中担任着不可忽略的角色。

    Solar power , wind power and biomass power generation are most widely used among the renewable energy sources . Meanwhile the energy reclaiming power conversion device based on PWM ( Pulse Width Modulation ) technology play a significant role .

  8. 第一家公司是AbengoaSolar,这家公司同意在美国建成世界上最大的太阳能发电厂。

    The first is Abengoa Solar , a company that has agreed to build one of the largest solar plants in the world right here in the United States .

  9. 开源Arduino可以作为太阳能发电环境中的传感器数据的一个简单且可调整的处理器,它非常有用。

    The open source Arduino is useful as a simple and adaptable processor for sensor data in a solar generation context .

  10. DG包括内燃机、微型燃气轮机、燃料电池、太阳能发电的光伏电池和风力发电等,其容量一般为数千瓦到几十兆瓦。

    Distributed generation including internal combustion engines , micro-turbines , fuel cells , solar photovoltaic cells and wind power , and so on , the capacity of them are about a few dozen kilowatts to megawatts .

  11. 苹果(Apple)和其最大供应商富士康(Foxconn)共同承诺要建造太阳能发电站,发电能力超过600兆瓦。此举将让生产iPhone的中国工厂朝着完全靠清洁能源运转迈出一大步。

    Apple and its biggest supplier Foxconn are together pledging to build solar power plants to produce more than 600 megawatts of electricity , in a big step towards making the Chinese factories that produce the iPhone run entirely on clean energy .

  12. 埃及还参与了一个建议的、由清洁技术基金共同资助的地区性方案,目的是在中东和北非地区(MENA)推广集中的太阳能发电厂。

    Egypt is also a participant in a proposed CTF co-financed regional program to scale up concentrating solar power plants in the Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) .

  13. 过去几年中,太阳能发电成本快速降低,美国出台了“可再生能源组合标准”【RenewablePortfolioStandards(RPS)】项目,该项目要求发电厂利用可再生能源生产一部分电能。

    Over the past few years , rapidly declining solar costs and state renewable portfolio standards ( RPS ) programs , which require utilities to generate a percentage of power from renewable energy sources , have combined to create 30GW of solar projects in the later stages of development .

  14. 针对目前太阳能发电系统效率低、铅酸蓄电池使用寿命短等问题,利用微控制器MC9S08QG8设计一种太阳能控制器。

    In view of the low efficiency of solar photovoltaic system , short service life of the lead-acid battery and other issues , designed a solar controller using microcontroller MC9S08QG8 .

  15. 斯特林发动机在空间太阳能发电中的应用

    Application of free piston Stirling engine in space solar power system

  16. 热管式吸热/蓄热器在太阳能发电系统中的研究与应用

    Research and Application on Heat Pipe Receiver for Solar Dynamic System

  17. 全自动跟踪太阳能发电设备的计算机测控系统

    A Computer Test and Control System for Automatic Tracking Solar Generating Equipment

  18. 基于模糊控制的太阳能发电伺服系统的优化设计

    The research of fuzzy controller on servo system of solar power generation

  19. 双轴跟踪装置对太阳能发电系统增效的理论研究

    Theoretic Study of Efficiency Increment of Two-axis Tracker for Solar Energy Generator

  20. 随着太阳能发电公司的进驻,当地土地价值出现攀升。

    As solar firms moved in , the land 's value jumped .

  21. 太阳能发电和常规能源发电不同,它具有随机不确定性,而这种时变性又增加了系统的不稳定因素。

    Stochastic nature is the main difference between photovoltaic system and conventional energy .

  22. 沙区太阳能发电的开发利用

    Deploitation and utilization of sun energy in sandy land

  23. 光伏并网发电系统的研究已成为太阳能发电系统研究的主流。

    Grid-connected PV generation system has been mainstream in researching solar generation system .

  24. 太阳能发电产业迅速成型;

    Solar power generation industry rapidly comes into shape ;

  25. 那些渴望从投资太阳能发电而获利的人可能也会发疯。

    Those hoping for profits from solar power investments might also go mad .

  26. 在太阳能发电并网系统中,并网逆变器成为了整个系统的核心。

    The grid-connected inverter has become core of the solar power generation system .

  27. 新的地域并网式太阳能发电系统的电力经济分析与设计

    The cost analysis and design of new grid-connected PV system in the community area

  28. 解决全球变暖问题的曙光&太阳能发电(续)

    Solar Energy Power & Light on the Solution of Global Warming ( Continuation )

  29. 太阳能发电系统的核心是一组光伏逆变器。

    The core of a solar power system is a group of photovoltaic inverter .

  30. 太阳能发电的举措可以每年帮托克劳群岛节省约100万美元。

    The move to solar power could save Tokelau about one million dollars a year .