
  • 网络extrasolar planet;Exoplanets;exoplanet
  1. 这二十多年来,人类已陆续发现了500多个太阳系外行星,但这些行星是否适合居住仍不得而知。

    More than 500 exoplanets have been discovered since then , yet its not clear if even one of them might be habitable .

  2. 研究人员是在研究HIP13044恒星的时候发现了这颗太阳系外行星。恒星HIP13044又名Sergio(塞尔吉奥),取在银河系外起源的恒星之意。

    Researchers found the exoplanet while looking at the star HIP 13044 or Sergio , for Star of Extra-Galactic Origin .

  3. 这是一个有最高解析度,世上最精确的光谱仪,叫做HARPS。这实际上是用于探测太阳系外行星,和恒星大气中的声波。

    This is the number one high resolution , most precise spectrograph on this planet , called HARPS , which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars .

  4. 太阳系外行星动力演化研究

    The studies on the dynamics of the extrasolar planets

  5. 超级地球是指体积比地球大十倍的太阳系外行星。

    A super-Earth is an exoplanet that is up to 10 times more massive than our Earth .

  6. 斯特芬博士主要的研究领域是太阳系外行星、暗物质和宇宙学。

    Dr Steffen spends his time thinking about such things as extrasolar planets , dark matter and cosmology .

  7. 这颗“超级地球”是最近发现的太阳系外行星,它位于其恒星的宜居带内。

    This " super-Earth " is a recently discovered exoplanet that is in its star 's habitable zone .

  8. 但是,如果你想知道一个太阳系外行星上的生命,你就必须这麽做。

    But if you want to know about a life on extrasolar planets you have to do this job .

  9. 三支科学家小组用斯必择空间望远镜捕获了两个已知的太阳系外行星的光谱。

    So say three teams of scientists who used the Spitzer space telescope to capture the light spectrum of two known extrasolar planets .

  10. 本课程讲述了天文学领域三个有趣而又发展迅速的课题:太阳系外行星,黑洞和暗能量。

    This course focuses on three particularly interesting areas of astronomy that are advancing very rapidly : Extra-Solar Planets , Black Holes , and dark Energy .

  11. 再来你必须说服整个世界,你的确侦测到像这样的物质,在太阳系外行星的宿主恒星大气中,在离这里100秒差距的地方。

    And then you have to convince the whole world that you have actually detected something like this in the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet host star somewhere in100 parsec away from here .

  12. 开普勒-186f距离地球约500光年,是一颗围绕开普勒-186运行的太阳系外行星。开普勒-186f于2014年被发现,是首颗在恒星的宜居带内被发现的类地系外行星。

    Kepler-186f is an exoplanet orbiting the star Kepler-186 about 500 light-years from Earth . Discovered in 2014 , it is the first Earth-size exoplanet found to be orbiting in its star 's habitable zone .

  13. 地外生命搜索和太阳系外的行星的发现

    Searching for extra terrestrial intelligence and the discovering of extrasolar planets

  14. 步骤一:把地球当做一个(太阳)系外行星进行研究。

    Step one : examine the Earth as if it were an exoplanet .

  15. 我们怎样寻找(太阳)系外行星上的生命?

    How can we search for life on exoplanets ?

  16. 太阳系外恒星行星系统的探测与研究进展

    The Progress of Exploring Extra-Solar Planetary Systems

  17. 地球似乎有太阳系外其他行星的模糊影像,两个天文队也拍摄了这些行星的图像。

    Earth seems to have its first fuzzy photos of alien planets outside our solar system , images captured by two teams of astronomers .

  18. (太阳)系外行星通常是间接被发现的,当恒星的轨道受到附近的行星影响时,能探测到恒星的光发生变化。

    Exoplanets are generally discovered indirectly by detecting changes in the light coming from a star as its orbit is affected by nearby planets .

  19. 并着重介绍太阳系外的行星系统的发现,它的目的、方法、成果以及未来。

    Especially , the discovery of extrasolar planets , with its purpose , ways and means , achievement , and the future , are emphasized .

  20. 从1992年第一个确认了脉冲星PSR1257+12的行星系统以来,1995年确认主序星51Peg有一颗行星,至2001年5月,已经发现了60个太阳系外的行星系统。

    Since the first affirmance of an extrasolar planetary system in pulsar PSR1257 + 12 , and first discovery of a planet in a main sequence star , 51 Peg , in 1995 , about half hundred of extrasolar planets have been discovered .

  21. LTT1445Ab与2016年发现的另一个有“三个太阳”的系外行星HD131399Ab差别很大。

    LTT 1445Ab is very different from the 2016 discovery of HD 131399Ab , another exoplanet with three suns .

  22. 1992年,天文学家首次发现太阳系外的一些行星,它们都在围绕一个年纪更大的脉冲星飞行。

    In 1992 , astronomers found the first planets outside our solar system , which were orbiting an older pulsar .

  23. 科学家发现了数颗围绕着长蛇座M矮星GJ357运行的系外行星,系外行星指的是围绕太阳系外恒星运行的行星。

    Multiple exoplanets -- planets orbiting stars outside our solar system -- were discovered orbiting an M-dwarf star , called GJ 357 in the Hydra constellation .

  24. 谈太阳系外新发现的行星Malhotra通过行星迁移成功地解释了冥王星被共振俘获的机制。

    On the Discovery of Extrasolar Planets Malhotra proposed that Pluto was swept into the 3:2 resonance by planets migration , which happened very easily in the early stage of the solar system .

  25. 这个望远镜已经发现的太阳系外的几百个行星,虽然完整的数据尚未公布。

    It has already spotted hundreds of planets outside the Solar System , although full data have not yet been released .

  26. 天文学家借助于这项发现,还能在太阳系外发现更多的行星,系外行星可能“复制”了产生地球上生命的条件。

    The discovery suggests that at least one third of stars similar to our own Sun host these difficult-to-detect celestial bodies , multiplying previous estimates by five .

  27. 例如,如果天文学家发现太阳系外的一颗行星,除非它有某些特殊性质,不然这仅仅是多一份数据。

    For example , if an astronomer finds another planet outside solar system , unless it has certain properties , it will just be another piece of data .

  28. 与太阳系内的大行星相比,太阳系外的大行星有很多显著的特点,比如大偏心率行星的普遍存在热木星的出现等。

    Compared to the giant planets in the solar system , exoplanets have many remarkable properties such as the prevalence of giant planets on eccentric orbits and the presence of hot Jupiters .