
  • 网络PORT-AU-PRINCE;Port au Prince;PortauPrince
太子港 [tài zǐ gǎng]
  • [Portan-Prince] 海地共和国首都

  1. 圣米歇尔小教堂隐藏在太子港一条偏僻窄巷里。

    The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince .

  2. 在整个太子港,像Charles这样的人多达数十万。

    Across Port-au-Prince , it seems , there are hundreds of thousands of people just like Charles .

  3. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛CNN记者,JOHNZARRELLA:18个小时来,RomelJoseph一直被埋在太子港他任教的音乐学校的废墟中。

    JOHN ZARRELLA , CNN CORRESPONDENT : For 18 hours , Romel Joseph lay buried in the rubble of his music school in Port-au-Prince .

  4. “如果形势有所好转,人们会兴奋不已,遗憾的是,形势又再次恶化,”世行驻太子港代表处工作人员PeterHolland说。

    " You get excited that things are getting better , then they deteriorate again ," says Peter Holland , a World Bank staffer in Port-au-Prince .

  5. 一个月之后,我坐上了飞往太子港(port-au-prince)的航班,是飞机上惟一的白人。

    A month later I was the only white person on a flight to Port-au-Prince .

  6. 位于太子港北部农村地区的SaintMarc的形势仍然非常严峻。

    The situation in Saint Marc , north , rural , in a rural area to the north of Port-au-Prince , the situation still quite desperate there .

  7. 竖14是……你手挡住了……是门,所以说横14是“太子港”。你看,“PapaDoc提示了,所以是太子港。

    move your finger ... Phylum , which makes 14 across " Port-au-Prince " see , " Papa Doc 's capital idea , " that 's " Port-au-Prince . "

  8. Fraser表示,尽管地震的损害范围非常大,海地的商品粮网络已经重新开始运营,太子港的街道上已经可以购买到新鲜的水果。

    Fraser said that despite the earthquake damage , the country 's commercial food networks have restarted and that fresh fruit is available on the streets in Port-au-Prince .

  9. 这场暴发于10月21日突然在Artibonite河沿岸距离首都太子港60英里的小型社区出现。

    The outbreak suddenly appeared in small communities along the Artibonite River , 60 miles north of the capital Port-au-Prince , on21 October .

  10. 一个孩子伸出一挂的动物标本在Caradeux营干由1月份地震中流离失所的人太子港,海地,星期二,2010年11月2号。

    A child reaches out for a stuffed animal hanging to dry at the Caradeux Camp for people displaced by the January earthquake in Port-au-Prince , Haiti , Tuesday , Nov.2,2010 .

  11. 总统发表讲话时,克林顿的妻子,国务卿希拉里·克林顿正在前往海地首都太子港的途中。她将会见海地总统勒内·普列瓦尔(RenePreval)和美国救援人员,共同探讨怎样更好地进行地震恢复工作。

    As the presidents spoke , Mr. Clinton 's wife , Secretary of State Hillary Clinton , was on her way to the Haitian capital , Port-au-Prince , to meet with Haiti 's president , Rene Preval and with U.S. aid workers to discuss how best to help the earthquake recovery .

  12. 这些美国人来自爱达荷州一家教堂,目前他们已在太子港被捕。

    The Americans from an Idaho-based church are under arrest in Port-au-Prince .

  13. 海地幸存者在太子港的废墟中徘徊着。

    People wander through the ruins of Port-au-Prince on Wednesday .

  14. 太子港遭遇大地震据现在已有一年的时间了。

    One year has now passed since the earth shook Port-au Prince .

  15. 星期一,太子港。男人们为临时栖息地的设置平整土地。

    Men prepare ground for makeshift shelters Monday in Port-au-Prince .

  16. 美国海岸警卫队正用飞机将相关人员送往太子港接受治疗。

    The U.S. Coast Guard now flying people to Port-au-Prince for treatment .

  17. 米朗德对这些暴力活动非常愤怒,呼吁在太子港召开新闻发布会。

    Furious at the violence Mirlande called a news conference in Port-au-Prince .

  18. 太子港的大多数居民居住在铁皮棚里。

    Most people in Port-au-Prince live in tin shacks .

  19. 五百倍与7.0级地震的力量袭击了太子港--

    That is 500 times the power of the 7.0 that hit Port-au-Prince --

  20. 只有5%的废墟清除出了太子港。

    Only five percent of the rubble has been removed from the city .

  21. 星期一,太子港。山腰上满目都是碎石和受损建筑的残骸。

    Rubble and debris from destroyed buildings cover a hillside Monday in Port-au-Prince .

  22. 2010年1月18日,在海地太子港,两名男子抬着死去家人的棺椁。

    Two men carry a dead relative through downtown Port-au-Prince , Haiti , Jan.18,2010 .

  23. 我们现在看到的是太子港。

    We 're focusing now , Port au-Prince .

  24. 我被安排到太子港领导一支由退役军人和医疗专业人员组成的队伍。

    I found myself in Port-au-Prince , leading a team of veterans and medical professionals

  25. 海地首都太子港在生态城市榜单中排在最末。

    Port-au-Prince in Haiti ranked at the bottom of this table , Mercer said .

  26. 太子港(海地首都)综合大医院是全海地医院。

    The General Hospital of Port-au-Prince is the main hospital in all of Haiti .

  27. 这次地震中心位于太子港附近。

    The quake was ed near Port-au-Prince .

  28. 在太子港和智利,他也和我们同在

    Clay was with us in Port-au-Prince . He was also with us in Chile .

  29. 联合国官员报告说,有将近50万人已经从首都太子港搬往周边地区。

    U.N. officials report nearly one-half million people have left the capital Port-au-Prince for outlying areas .

  30. 人们眼睁睁地看着船离开在太子港,海地上周五2010年10月15日海港。

    People watch as a boat leaves the harbor in Port-au-Prince , Haiti on Friday Oct.15,2010 .