
  • 网络The Khmer Empire
  1. 但是最常与他的名字联系在一起的,则是吴哥窟,他在1860年首次发现了这座高棉帝国(Khmerempire)的遗迹后,令其在欧洲名声大噪。

    But his name is most associated with the Angkor ruins , which he made famous in Europe after first encountering those remnants of the Khmer empire in 1860 .

  2. 柬埔寨的吴哥古迹曾是强大的高棉帝国的首都。

    The Cambodian site of Angkor is the ancient capital of the powerful Khmer empire .

  3. 高棉帝国的庙宇通常被杂草所包围,这些建筑会随着时间的推移而破败。

    Temples from the Khmer Empire were normally surrounded by wood and thatch buildings which have rotted away over time .

  4. 9到15世纪期间,吴哥窟是高棉帝国的所在地,里面还有不同首都的遗迹。

    Angkor was the home of the Khmer empire from the 9th to 15th centuries and contains the remains of different capitals .

  5. 柬埔寨的吴哥地区从公元800年到15世纪都是高棉帝国的权力中心。

    The Angkor region of Cambodia served as the center of power for the Khmer Empire from 800 AD well into the 1400s .

  6. 随着古高棉帝国的衰落,吴哥窟逐渐成为佛教寺庙并一直延续下来,这使得它得以保存至今。

    With the decline of the Ancient Khmer Empire , Angkor Wat was turned into a Buddhist temple and was continuously maintained , which helped its preservation .

  7. 摩醯因陀山城距离暹粒省大约30英里,比吴哥窟的历史还早360年左右,公元802年,高棉帝国就诞生于此。

    About 30 miles from Siem Reap , Mahendraparvata predates Angkor Wat by about 350 years and was the birthplace of the Khmer Empire in A.D. 802 .

  8. 这座神殿专门供奉印度教的主神毗湿奴,是在高棉帝国的统治者苏利耶跋摩二世的授意下建造的,据估计共花费30年的时间建成。

    It is estimated that it took 30 years to build the temple dedicated to the Hindu deity , Vishnu , at the behest of King Suryavarman II , the ruler of the Khmer Empire