
  • 网络Kaohsiung;kaohsiung city
  1. 本文目的在探讨高雄市近年来在观光产业与政策上的发展问题。

    This paper analyses the development of tourist industries and policy in Kaohsiung City .

  2. 高雄市政府协办了这个活动,相当程度在经费上解决了全产总的困难。

    The government of Kaohsiung City helped a lot in assisting their activities financially .

  3. 台湾高雄市政府提请法院冻结李长荣化学工业股份有限公司(LCYChemicalCo.,简称:李长荣化工)的资产。当局正在调查李长荣化工在一场气体爆炸事故中的责任,这是台湾伤亡最惨重的一起可燃气体爆炸事故。

    The southern Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung has asked a court to freeze LCY Chemical Corp. 's assets , while investigating the petrochemical producer 's role in the island 's deadliest gas explosion .

  4. 利用1985年TM影像和2004年ASTER影像解译的结果,从五方面分析了海峡两岸的典型港口城市-泉州市和高雄市1985~2004年土地利用的变化及差异。

    Based on the Land use maps interpreted from TM images in 1985 and ASTER images in 2004 , this paper comparatively analyzes the land use / cover change between QuanZhou and GaoXiong city in 5 different aspects .

  5. 高雄市污水海洋排放消毒试验研究

    Study on disinfection test of sewage marine disposal in Gaoxiong

  6. 高雄市的轨道交通建设与空间整合

    Rail Traffic Construction and Spatial Integration in Gaoxiong

  7. 不久,高雄市消防局接报警后赶到,用救护车将卢送往医院。

    Soon , Kaohsiung City Fire Department received the alarm arrived by ambulance to the hospital Lu .

  8. 最后对广州市和高雄市的医疗卫生设施配置发展趋势提出了建议。

    At last , I give suggestions about future way developing of medical allocations in both cities .

  9. 高雄市市长称这是高雄市数十年来发生的最严重事件。

    Kaohsiung 's mayor is describing the incident as the worst the city has seen in decades .

  10. 这张照片八月二十六日拍摄的是躺在高雄市苓雅区地上的蟑螂尸体。

    Photo showing dead roaches lying on the ground in Greater Kaohsiung 's Lingya District on Aug.26 .

  11. 这些包机航班将从北京、海和广州飞往台北和高雄市。

    The flights will run from Beijing , Shanghai and Guangzhou on the mainland to Taipei and Kaohsiung in Taiwan Province .

  12. 高雄市政府应对此一河川流域加强整治与管理,以避免环境生态遭受破坏。

    The Kao-Hsiung county show enhance the restoration and management of this river to prevent further damage to the biological environment .

  13. 关于校园诗歌&在台湾高雄市两岸文学座谈会上的发言

    About Campus Poetry & A Talk at the " Symposium on Literature between the Straits " in Gaoxiong Oty of Taiwan

  14. 预设成渐近线式的港口码头,其设计旨在振兴和激活高雄市临水的城市边缘。

    The port terminal as envisioned by Asymptote is designed to invigorate and activate Kaohsiung 's city edge at the water .

  15. 本研究采立意取样,研究对象为高雄市某医学中心胸腔内科门诊之128位成人气喘病患。

    Data were obtained via purposive sampling at a medical center in Kaohsiung . A total of128 valid questionnaires were collected .

  16. 高雄市因应在地特性后,共订出五十二项指标以衡量健康城市之程度。

    World Health Organization developed Healthy Cities indicators to reflect the degree of emphasis placed upon people 's health in a city .

  17. 事故发生在7月31日临近午夜时分,繁华的高雄市前镇区发生多次爆炸,震动了整座城市,导致至少30人丧生,309人受伤。

    At least 30 people were killed and 309 injured in the gas explosions that shook the city shortly before midnight on July 31 .

  18. 台湾高雄市发生连环爆炸,至少造成20人死亡,另有约270人受伤。

    At least 20 people have been killed and some 270 others injured in a series of explosions in the city of Kaohsiung in Taiwan .

  19. 本研究旨在探究高雄市国民小学教师之校长服务领导知觉与组织承诺之相关。

    The purpose of this dissertation was to explore , understand , and profile the leadership experiences of Black male leaders residing in Northwest Ohio .

  20. 提供2011年第11届亚太智慧型运输系统论坛简介、相关活动讯息及高雄市动态公车资讯与捷运路网图。

    Provides the conference information of the11th Asia-Pacific ITS Forum Exhibition , 2011 ITS AP Forum , the Kaohsiung City e-bus information , and MRT route map .

  21. 根据本研究初步评估结果,2005年县市评比排名前5名分别为:台北市、台北县、台中市、高雄市与新竹市;

    This research shows that the top five cities of2005 competitiveness evaluation are Taipei City , Taipei County , Taichung City , Kaohsiung City , and Hsinchu City ;

  22. 舆论矛头还指向高雄市和台湾中央政府,人们怀疑监管部门督责不力,未能确保企业对管道的例行维护。

    Fingers are also being pointed at the city and the central governments for possible regulatory oversight for failing to make sure the companies are performing routine maintenance of pipes .

  23. 高雄市政府称,李长荣化工是爆炸当晚唯一通过高雄市地下管道输送丙烯的化工运营商。爆炸现场只检测到丙烯这一种气体。

    The company was the only chemical operator transferring propene the only type of gas detected at the explosion sites underground in Kaohsiung that night , the city government said .

  24. 昨晚,高雄市西南部河滨区发生地下瓦斯泄漏事故,引发连环爆炸,并造成路面塌陷,影响范围约3平方公里。

    A massive underground gas leak last night set off a series of explosions which have ripped gaping holes around a 3-square kilometer area along the city 's southwest waterfront district .

  25. 据高雄市初步调查,导致爆炸的破损管道系李长荣化工所有。爆炸造成沿街房屋受损,井盖被炸飞,多条道路塌陷碎裂。

    According to the city 's preliminary investigations , LCY owns the faulty pipe that caused the explosions , which destroyed homes , ripped off manhole covers and tore open several roads .

  26. 因此根据这些研究问题,吾人乃针对年满二十岁且设籍高雄市的选民进行研究。

    However , few studies have been devoted to the way in which text and image work together in order to obtain the rhetorical goal of making voters vote for a specific party .

  27. 据高雄市初步估计,修复道路将至少耗资新台币19亿元,另外还需要至少新台币100亿元用于赔偿受害者。

    According to Kaohsiung 's initial estimate , it will cost at least 1.9 billion New Taiwan dollars to fix the roads and at least another 10 billion New Taiwan dollars in victim compensation .

  28. 藉助工商普查资料,本文发现高雄市在南部区域的观光产业上,不论是产值、厂商、从业员工等方面,都占据龙头领导地位。

    Using data from the Industry , Commerce and Service Census , we find that Kaohsiung is leading in value of production , units of enterprise and workforces in southern Taiwan 's tourist industries .

  29. 文藻外语学院位于台湾省南部港都高雄市,学院辩论队在2008年东北亚英语辩论公开赛上夺冠。

    A debate team from Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages in the southern port city of Kaohsiung won the " English as a foreign language " ( EFL ) category of the Northeast Asian Open 2008 Debating Championship earlier this month .

  30. 李长荣化工称,尚未接到法院就高雄市请求冻结公司资产发出的正式通知。截至第一季度末,该公司资产总额达新台币577亿元(约合19.2亿美元)。

    The company said it hasn 't received the court 's official notice on the city 's request to freeze its assets , which totaled 57.7 billion New Taiwan dollars ( US $ 1.92 billion ) by the end of the first quarter .