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  • 网络GaoLiGong;gaoligong mountain;The gaoligong mountains
  1. 高黎贡山北段羚牛生境DTM数据分析与评价应用

    Application of Digital Terrain Model to Takin Habitat Analysis and Assessment in the North Gaoligong Mountain

  2. 研究了高黎贡山东坡水平带蚂蚁群落特征,结果表明,除中南段2500m等高线外,东坡各水平带的不同位置均有特有种。

    On the east slope of Gaoligong Mountain each section has its endemic ant species except the middle south section at 2 500 m.

  3. 基于3S技术的野生动物生境评价与保护研究&以高黎贡山羚牛为例

    Assessment and protection on wildlife habitat based on 3S technology-taking takin in Gaoligong mountains as an example

  4. 在高黎贡山自然保护区里科学家们要艰难攀登上海拔2500m才到之前他们发现长臂猿的地方,“在这个高度以下森林都被砍伐了”特尔维博士对BBC谈到。

    In the Gaoligongshan nature reserve where the gibbons were discovered scientists had to trek up to 2500m to find suitable habitat as " everywhere below there has been logged " Dr Turvey said to the BBC .

  5. 高黎贡山自然保护区土壤真菌资料调查名录初报

    A Primary List of Soil Fungi from Gaoligong Mountain Nature Reserve

  6. 高黎贡山地区拥有丰富的杜鹃花科特有植物种类。

    The Gaoligong Mountains are rich in endemic species of Ericaceae .

  7. 那么是什么造就了高黎贡山独特的气候

    So , what causes Gaoligongshan 's strange and remarkable climate ?

  8. 高黎贡山土壤微生物的数量和多样性

    A study on quantity and diversity of soil microorganisms in Gaoligong Mountains

  9. 高黎贡山药用植物资源的保护和可持续利用

    Protection and Sustainable exploitation of Herbal Plants in GLG Mt

  10. 高黎贡山小熊猫对生境的利用

    Habitat use of Red Pandas in Gaoligong Mountain , China

  11. 高黎贡山西坡大塘村社林业活动研究

    Community Forestry Activities and Forest Management in Western Gaoligong Mountain

  12. 高黎贡山自然保护区和周边区域的管理与发展

    Management Development of Mt. Gaoligong Natural Reserve Its Bordering Area

  13. 蟹蛛科新种新纪录种分类高黎贡山中国。

    Thomisidae new species new record taxonomy Gaoligong Mountains China .

  14. 高黎贡山自然保护区白花岭区域生态环境保护思考之一&野生菌资源开发利用

    On Ecologic Environment Protection & Exploitation of Wildlife Mushroom

  15. 高黎贡山不同土地利用方式对土壤微生物数量和多样性的影响

    Influence of Land Use on Numbers and Diversity of Soil Microorganisms in Gaoligong Mountains

  16. 自然保护区生态旅游区功能区划探析以高黎贡山百花岭江苴生态旅游区为例

    On Functional Division of Eco-tourism in Nature Reserve

  17. 高黎贡山南段2种森林类型的土壤特性研究

    Study on Soil Character of Two Forest Types in Southern Part of Gaoligong Mountains

  18. 高黎贡山深埋隧道地应力特征及岩爆模拟试验

    Geostress characteristic and simulation experiment of Rockburst of a deep-buried tunnel in Gaoligong Mountain

  19. 云南高黎贡山神山森林及其在自然保护中的作用

    Deity mountain forest and its function in natural reservation in Gaoligong Mountain of Yunnan Province

  20. 高黎贡山自然保护区大型土壤动物群落特征

    Research on soil faunal community composition and structure in the Gaoligong Mountains National Nature Reserve

  21. 高黎贡山地区杜鹃花科特有植物

    Endemic Plants of Ericaceae in Gaoligong Mountains

  22. 高黎贡山马先蒿物种多样性与地理分布

    The Species Diversity and Phytogeography of Pedicularis ( Scrophulariaceae ) in Gaoligong Mountains , NW Yunnan

  23. 表明高黎贡山南北的地理通道效应比纬度的水热效应更为明显和突出。

    It indicates that geographical Corridor effect is more apparent and evident than latitudinal humidity-heat effect .

  24. 高黎贡山赧亢白眉长臂猿春季栖息地利用

    Habitat Use of the Hoolock Gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock ) at Nankang , Mt. Gaoligong in Spring

  25. 高黎贡山自然保护区东坡水平带蚂蚁群落研究

    A Study on the Ant Community of Horizontal Band on the East Slope of the Gaoligong Mountain Nature Reserve

  26. 旅途中最精彩的当属徒步穿越弗兰克形容为浩瀚无际的高黎贡山。

    The highlight of the trip was a hike over what Frank called the ' mighty ' Gaoligong mountains .

  27. 2007年12月及2008年4月,在高黎贡山赧亢生境走廊带采集白眉长臂猿的食物样品。

    Food samples of Hoolock gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock ) were collected at Mt. Gaoligong in Dec 2007 and Apr 2008 .

  28. 报道在高黎贡山自然保护区调查所发现的各类土壤真菌资源情况及其生态分布。

    This paper reports the composition and ecological distribution of soil fungi in the Gaoligong Moun-tains State Nature Reserve in Yunnan Province .

  29. 中条山林区药用植物资源可持续利用研究高黎贡山药用植物资源的保护和可持续利用

    Wild Seed Medical Plant Resources in Zhongtiao Mountains and Its Sustainable Utilization Protection and Sustainable exploitation of Herbal Plants in GLG Mt

  30. 同时认为,高黎贡山就是我国历史上所说的昆仑山。

    This essay argues that the name originated from the Wa people , and Goligong is the very Kunlun Mountain in history .