
wǔ xīng shàng jiàng
  • five-star general
五星上将[wǔ xīng shàng jiàng]
  1. 站在总统旁边的是一位五星上将。

    Standing beside the President was a five-star general .

  2. 一个舰队的最高指挥官;军衔在中将之上和五星上将之下。

    The supreme commander of a fleet ; ranks above a vice admiral and below a fleet admiral .

  3. 美国陆军司令、五星上将马克·克拉克诞生于纽约麦迪逊兵营一个军人家庭。

    1869 General Mark Clark , US Army commander was born at Madison Barracks , New York of a military father .

  4. 美国从来没设过元帅军衔,但他们有陆军五星上将,空军五星上将,海军五星上将。

    In the United States , there has never been Marshal Rank at all , but they have General of the Army , General of the Air Force and Fleet Admiral .

  5. 1866年的今天,美国国会通过了一项批准设陆军上将军衔的立法(现在被叫作“五星上将”)。陆军中将尤利西斯·修·格兰特成为首位被授予此军衔的人。

    1866-The U.S.Congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of General of the Army ( now called " 5-star general ") . Lieutenant General Ulysses S.Grant becomes the first to have this rank .