
  • 网络Five Ways;Edo Five Routes
  1. 由南京路街往下走约五个街道。

    Come down Nanjing road about five blocks .

  2. 一个月前刚从背后这座城市回来,那是一片废墟。一座死城。王家岩近半座山垮塌,将老城五条街道埋掉,数百幢房屋被推出两三百米挤压成碎片;

    Wang Yan nearly half of the mountain collapsed and buried the old town five streets , hundreds of buildings were put on the squeeze two or three meters to pieces ;

  3. 五是城市街道空间包容性的营造,包括原则、思路和设计手法。

    Fifth is how to build the city street space inclusive , including the principles , ideas and design methods .

  4. 哦,大部分游览胜地都去了-百老汇,第五天大街道,我最喜欢的是现代艺术博物馆。

    Oh , most of the sights-broadway , fifth avenue , what I like best be the Museum of modern art .

  5. 下午五点市中心的街道就成了拥挤不堪的窄路。

    At five o'clock in the afternoon the city streets are a series of bottlenecks .

  6. 骑自行车的人在紧要关头告诉圣保罗报纸,此人与一些骑车者争论,谁在星期五借用所有此街道的道路。

    Cyclists in the Critical Mass ride tell the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper that the man argued with some riders , who had taken over all lanes of the street on Friday .