
gòu hé
  • make peace;conclusion of peace;reach agreement
媾和 [gòu hé]
  • [reach agreement;make peace] 交战国缔结和约,结束战争状态。也指一国之内交战团体达成和平协议,结束战争

  • 有时,他也在信中夹杂一些对政治的看法以及媾和条件。--《柏林之围》

媾和[gòu hé]
  1. (指两人、两国等)媾和,和解。

    Make peace ( of two people , countries , etc )

  2. 企图使两国媾和是没有用的。

    It is no use seeking to make peace between the two countries .

  3. 由美国的潜在敌手变成助手,终于形成了美国对日单独媾和政策。

    USA finally finished the policy that reconciled with Japan .

  4. 随后又有休战媾和之说。

    Then there was talk of peace and a composition .

  5. 部落议事会会接受和派遣使者,宣战及媾和。

    It received and sent embassies , declared war and made peace .

  6. 因此,不是停战就是媾和,二者必取其一。

    Hence arose the alternative of armistices and peace .

  7. 英国对日媾和政策形成史论

    Evolution of Britain 's peace-making policy towards Japan

  8. 20世纪50年代初期中苏共同抵制美国主导的对日媾和

    Sino-Soviet Joint Resistance to Peace with Japan Led by USA in the Early 1950s

  9. 就在同一天,罗马第一次提出媾和倡议。

    On this same day , the first peace overtures from Rome were made .

  10. 一方燃起的战火,至少两方才能媾和。

    It take at least two to make a peace , but one can make a war .

  11. 旧金山媾和前后日本政治资源重组与结构演变

    Reshuffle of Japanese Political Resources and Evolution of Political Structure before and after San Francisco Peace Treaty

  12. 能指挥我的前卫,如未接获我的命令,您无权擅自停战媾和。

    You only command my advance guard and you have no right to make any truce without my order .

  13. 经济伦理思想与德性的媾和&朱熹经济伦理思想及其现代价值

    The Unification of Economic Ethics and Virtue : Zhu Xi 's Thought of Economic Ethics and Its Modern Value

  14. 1916年,她自始至终基本处于防守状态,而且谣传她和德国单独媾和。

    Throughout 1916 she remained largely on the defensive , and there were rumours of a separate peace with Germany .

  15. 水星是一颗管理沟通、媾和、往还、通、感知和我们逻辑头脑的才力。

    Mercury is the planet that rules counication , negotiation , coerce , transportation , perception , and our ability to think logically .

  16. 然而,先生们,如果用事实讲话,我认为波拿巴对媾和感兴趣。

    But , sir , if we are to reason on the fact , I should think that it is the interest of Bonaparte to make peace .

  17. 国际上巴黎和会是一场帝国主义列强重新瓜分世界,确立帝国主义统治合法性的媾和会议。

    International Paris and will be an imperialist powers to carve up the world , establish the rule of imperialism " legitimacy " of the peace conference .

  18. 三者的媾和,不仅意味着现实主义的理性精神与浪漫主义的艺术精神的融合,而且典型体现了中国古典美学的审美中和原则。

    The three points not only mean rational spirit of Realism and art spirit of Romanticism mix together , but also reflect the neutralization of aesthetics on Chinese classic aesthetics .

  19. 在后现代社会,视觉理性思维、视觉主导的文化形态与消费主义文化同谋媾和,共同催生出以欲望和享乐为主的文化现实。

    In the postmodern society , visual thinking , visual dominant cultural patterns and consumerism culture conspiracy to make peace and common spawned desires and pleasures of the cultural reality .

  20. 因为除住在基贝红的希威人外,没有一座城愿与以色列子民媾和,都是以色列人用武力攻取的。

    There was hot a city that delivered itself to the children of Israel , except the Hevite , who dwelt in Gabaon : for he took all by fight .

  21. 美国等国家与日本签订的片面媾和条约旧金山和约所规定的托管范围不涵盖钓鱼岛。

    Diaoyu Dao was not placed under the trusteeship established by the Treaty of San Francisco , which was signed between the United States and other countries with Japan and is partial in nature .

  22. 伴随着东亚地区形势的急剧变化,美国提出了拖延已久的对日媾和问题。与日本缔结和约,就必须妥善处理战争遗留问题,彻底处理盟国在日财产问题最终被提上议事日程。

    With the situations rapidly changed in the East Asia , the United States put forward the long-delayed problem with Japan to conclude a peace treaty . The proper disposal of these properties is especially needed .

  23. 70年代后期埃及与以色列单独媾和,叙利亚采取了与以色列相对抗的战略平衡策略,争取苏联的支持,继续高举抗以大旗。

    In the late 1970s , because Egypt made a separate peace with Israel , Syria took the tactic of strategic parity , tried to gain society 's supports , and continued to hold high anti-Israel banner .

  24. 文章通过对朝鲜战争与台湾问题、旧金山对日媾和与台湾问题的探讨,揭示了国际环境对战后台湾问题形成的重要性。

    By probing into the Korean war taiwan question as well as the making peace with Japan in San fracisco taiwan question , this paper uncovers the importance of the international circumstances towards the formation of Taiwan question .

  25. 这就意味着英国和美国不会允许日本、德国和意大利在媾和条件上讨价还价,而且同盟国将在各个战场继续作战直至他们获得全面的军事胜利。

    It meant that Britain and the United States would not allow japan , Germany and Italy to bargain over peace conditions , and that the allies would continue to fight everywhere until they had achieved total military victory .

  26. 民意发挥更大作用的中东,很可能会变得不那么愿意去打击恐怖主义或与以色列媾和。在涉及以合理价格供应石油的问题时,中东很可能不再抱合作态度。

    A Middle East more influenced by public opinion could well be less willing to work against terrorism , or on behalf of peace with Israel . It is likely to be no more of a partner when it comes to providing oil at reasonable prices .
