
  • 网络new community;New Settlement
  1. 他们试图使自己与新社区的居民融为一体。

    They tried to assimilate themselves into the new community .

  2. 这些钱将用采资助一个新社区中心。

    The money will go to finance a new community centre .

  3. 加快农村新社区基层社会组织干部的建设,为J社区建设注入新的生机和力量。

    Speed up the construction of new rural community grassroots social organizations cadres for the J community building inject new vigor and strength .

  4. 其次,围绕三阳新社区项目的概况、特点和存在的困难,提出BT模式,研究分析BT模式在项目实施的过程和效果,总结存在的问题和不足,深入研究BT投融资管理。

    Secondly , based on the general situation , characteristics and difficulties in Sanyang program , this paper studies the executive process and the results of BT in this project ; summarizes the existing problems and further studies the investment and financing management .

  5. 目前,J社区在新社区的社会组织建设中存在的主要困境是社区组织机构不合理、社会组织建设资金不足、社会组织管理模式不科学以及社会组织建设的体制不完善。

    The J communities in the construction of new community social organization of the major dilemmas is the irrational structure of community-based organizations , lack of funds for construction of social organization , social organization and management mode unscientific and imperfect system of social organization building .

  6. 希望能在新社区计划这件事上提供更大的帮助。

    Hope to be a bigger help on the new community-center project .

  7. 基于统筹城乡试验区重庆市农村新社区建设的探讨

    Discussion on New Community Construction in Chongqing Based-on the Urban-rural Integration Experimental Region

  8. 他们中间的绝大部分都是奉公守法的好公民,很快融入了新社区。

    They were overwhelmingly good , law-abiding citizens who quickly assimilated into the community .

  9. 因为削减预算,市政会的新社区服务计划泡汤了。

    The council 's plans for new community services have foundered because of budget cuts .

  10. 浙江江山村庄规划为龙头建设农村新社区

    Jiangshan of Zhejiang Province : Village Planning Playing the Leading Role Building Modern Rural Communities

  11. 然而,开发商对为新社区留出的区域重新进行了精心的绿化。

    The area set aside for the new community , however , has been neatly reforested .

  12. 新社区,新生活

    New Community , New Life

  13. 舟山市渔农村新社区图书馆(室)状况实证调查

    A Field Survey on the Libraries ( Reading Rooms ) in Zhoushan 's Rural and Fishery Communities

  14. 构建开放型宜居新社区&武汉常青花园十一小区规划设计

    Construction of Open Livable New Communities : Planning and Design of Wuhan Changqing Garden , 11 Area

  15. 开发区,新社区由同一个营造商修建的房屋群落上海世博会园区周边的城市社区再营造

    A group of dwellings built by the same contractor . Community Rebuilding around the Shanghai Expo Site

  16. 主要结论有:一、移民对新社区生活服务设施、人际关系的适应性较高;

    Conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) Emigrants ' adaptability to new services and relationships is high .

  17. 重庆市农村新社区建设是社会主义新农村建设的一部分,是社会主义新农村建设的继承和发展。

    The development of city community gives birth to a new member " community news " of news media family .

  18. 每种用途集中在“超级街区”之中,也就是我们今天在很多中国新社区中看到的长达半公里的建筑群。

    Each use is concentrated in " super-blocks , " the half-kilometer compounds that we see in many new developments in China .

  19. 在合肥市中心南部,多达50个高层住宅项目正在建设之中,即将形成一片巨大的新社区。

    South of the city centre as many as 50 high-rise apartment blocks are under construction , creating a vast new neighbourhood .

  20. 青海省长骆惠宁在禅古、甘达村新社区建设奠基仪式上宣布,玉树重建正式拉开序幕。

    Governor Luo Huining started it at a foundation-laying ceremony held for new neighborhoods to be built in Trangu and Ganda villages .

  21. 城镇化是我国的重大发展战略,它是新社区形成的“造市”过程,也是教育资源集聚的过程。

    Urbanization is the great developing strategy in our country , which is the course of forming new community and gathering educational resource .

  22. 本论文的目的在于探讨农村新社区景观评价与设计方法,为我国农村新社区景观设计研究做一些有益补充。

    This paper aims at exploring the method of new country community landscape evaluation and design , and making a beneficial complement to the landscape design research .

  23. 那些定义分类文档的新社区可以根据体系结构然后从一开始就使用同样的工具,并根据需要改进其内容特定的工具。

    New communities that define typed documents according to the architecture can then use the same tools at the outset , and refine their content-specific tools as needed .

  24. 最后提出了关于进一步研究新社区如何借鉴老社区交往空间设计的探讨,为自己及其他研究人员提出了另一个研究问题。

    At last we proposed about study new community how to draw lessons from old community space designed , and put forward another research problem for other researchers .

  25. 村民原本主要种植稻米,但新社区天气太冷和太干旱,根本种不出米来,于是他们只好种小麦、荞麦、马铃薯和芜菁作粮食。

    Too cold and too dry to grow rice , the preferred food crop , villagers here harvest corn , wheat , buckwheat , potato , and turnip for a living .

  26. 同时,构建宏观卫生服务模式,明确指导思想,形成新社区卫生服务收支两条线管理运行机制,并对新模式的试运行结果进行了总结。

    In the same time , the author sets up a new health service mode and new operational mechanism , and tries to summary the operational results of the new model .

  27. 任何一种安置方案涉及的都是征用闲置的农场,以支持美国国内大规模灾害后建立的幸存者新社区,所用词语是“空闲的农田”。

    In any settlement plan that would involve confiscating idle farm land to support NEW communities of survivors from large scale disasters within the US , the operative word is IDLE farmland .

  28. 报道还称,这座塔楼是纳克黑尔一项名为“海港和塔楼”的新社区服务计划的一部分。这项计划还包括建设世界上第一个市内港。

    The tower is part of Nakheel 's new community project named " Harbor & Tower " which will include the world 's first inner city harbor , according to the report .

  29. 新社区都建在崎岖不平的山上,当丹云公司的职员到这些村落探访时,对村民的贫困情况大感震惊。

    When colleagues from Danyun , a Yunnan-based organisation , visited one of these new communities high up in the rugged hills , they were immediately taken by the people 's poverty .

  30. 高新区经过近20年的发展,已经成为发展高新技术产业的基地、体现社会主义现代文明的新社区。

    After 20 years ' development , the Hi-tech Zone has become a base for the development of hi-tech industry , as well as a new community representing the modern civilization of socialism .