
  • 网络nova scotia;Halifax
  1. 最近的安全泊地在新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯。

    The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax , Nova Scotia

  2. 它们的自然栖息地的范围是从加拿大东南部到洛矶山脉的科罗拉多州,向东远至新斯科舍省和佛罗里达州。

    Their natural habitat extends from southeastern Canada to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado , and as far east as Nova Scotia and Florida .

  3. 加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯(Halifax)的达尔豪斯大学(DalhousieUniversity)去年创立了批判性思考项目。该项目旨在帮助学员退一步思考,审视偏误会对自己的思维有何影响。

    The Critical Thinking program at Dalhousie University in Halifax , Nova Scotia , established last year , aims to help trainees step back and examine how biases may affect their thinking .

  4. 李·伯格曼是新斯科舍省加拿大皇家骑警指挥官。

    Lee Bergerman is commanding officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Nova Scotia :

  5. 坐落于新斯科舍省的该公司也是通过开发了一个新方法来将二氧化碳变成更好的混凝土。

    Nova Scotia-based CarbonCure Technologies has also developed a way to use CO2 to make better concrete .

  6. (加拿大)一项对新斯科舍省五年级小学生开展的研究证实,饮食习惯好的孩子学习成绩也比较好。

    Kids who eat better perform better in school , a new study of Nova Scotia fifth-graders confirms .

  7. 在一场游戏结束后,他们可以走进酒吧间,享受新斯科舍省的食物和精酿啤酒。

    Between sessions , they can step into the lounge area to enjoy Nova Scotia food and craft beers .

  8. 新大陆的探险家们,如纽芬兰岛和新斯科舍省的发现者约翰卡伯特,从布里斯托尔开始航行。

    Explorers of the new world such as John cabot , discoverer of Newfoundland and Nova scotia , sailed from bristol .

  9. 自那时以来,他们已经成长为热心推动者的景色和生活方式享受新斯科舍省的居民和游客。

    Since then they 've grown to be avid promoters of the scenery and lifestyle enjoyed by Nova Scotia residents and vacationers .

  10. 要想到加拿大的沿海省份参观,就要从哈利法克斯(省)开始,它是新斯科舍省的省会。同时,它也是该地区最大的城市。

    A visit to the Maritimes should begin in Halifax , the capital of Nova Scotia and the region 's largest city .

  11. 新斯科舍省的东北部外海是布列顿岛,崎岖险峻而又美丽的终极旅游景点,还保留着苏格兰历史风貌。

    Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island , a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor .

  12. 据位于加拿大新斯科舍省的西岛国际学院表示,事故发生时他们的这艘船正在为期10个月的航行中。

    West Island College International in Nova Scotia , which owns the vessel , said it had been on a10-month voyage when it capsized .

  13. 我们很荣幸能继续这一传统,提供技术移民的机会,通过新斯科舍省提名方案工作和生活在这里。

    We are proud to continue this tradition by offering skilled immigrants the opportunity to work and live here through the Nova Scotia Nominee Program .

  14. 三年后,出生于加拿大新斯科舍省的克里斯汀•罗斯成为美国第一位女性注册会计师。

    Three years later , Christine Ross , who was born in Nova Scotia , became the first certified female accountant in the United States .

  15. 这名37岁的女子认为自己的丈夫就在飞机上,所以试图阻止位于加拿大新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯国际机场的这架飞机。

    The 37-year-old woman was trying to block an aircraft at Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Nova Scotia because she believed her husband was one of its passengers .

  16. 当海平面下降100米后,加拿大新斯科舍省海岸边上出现了一个巨大的岛屿,而之前这里还是大浅滩。

    When the sea level reaches ( minus ) 100 meters , a huge new island off the coast of Nova Scotia is exposed-the former site of the Grand Banks .

  17. 掷飞斧长久以来都是广受新斯科舍省伐木工人欢迎的消遣娱乐活动。达伦•哈德森是谢尔本郡一家锯木厂的第五代经营者,他决定把飞斧运动推广到大众。

    Axe-throwing has long been a popular pastime among lumberjacks in Nova Scotia , and Darren Hudson , a fifth-generation sawmill operator from Shelburne County , decided to bring it to the masses .

  18. 把刀头锋利的斧子和酒水结合起来听上去是个非常糟糕的主意,但是似乎在“木材酒吧”却行得通。“木材酒吧”位于加拿大新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市,是一家非常受欢迎的“飞斧”酒吧。

    Combining razor-sharp axes and alcohol sounds like a very bad idea , but it seems to be working for the Timber Lounge , a popular axe-throwing bar in Halifax , Nova Scotia .

  19. 厄尔飓风的残余风力已降级为热带风暴。星期六扫过纽约长岛和麻萨诸塞州沿海社区后,厄尔向加拿大新斯科舍省移动。

    The remnants of hurricane Earl , which was downgraded to a tropical storm , took aim at Nova Scotia in Canada Saturday after lashing New York 's Long Island and coastal communities in Massachusetts .

  20. 19世纪,爱德华王子岛的农民创立自己的银行帮助穷人储蓄和获得低息贷款,新斯科舍省的阿卡迪亚人为对抗渔业垄断而建立起合作社。

    In the 19th century , farmers on Prince Edward Island started their own bank which helped the poor to save and to obtain low interest loans , and the Nova Scotia Acadian established the cooperative against fishing monopoly .