
  • 网络The Yukon;the Yukon Territory
  1. 在育空地区发现的化石属于未知的生物。

    Fossil found in Yukon are of unknown species .

  2. 美国加利福尼亚州或者南非,或者育空地区金矿的出现都毫无征兆。

    The gold in California or South Africa or the Yukon gave no warning .

  3. 一艘美国海岸警卫队破冰船上周从阿拉斯加海港启航,与一艘加拿大破冰船会合,对加拿大育空地区(Yukon)与阿拉斯加边境以北的波弗特(Beaufort)海床进行地震勘测。

    A United States coastguard icebreaker left port in Alaska last week to join a Canadian icebreaker to conduct a seismic survey of the Beaufort seabed north of the Yukon-Alaska border .

  4. 几千的希望暴富的淘金者穿过阿拉斯加到育空地区。

    Thousands of gold seekers traveled to the Yukon through Alaska hoping to get rich .

  5. 当蚊子在加拿大北部育空地区对我们展开袭击时,我们几乎不能走出汽车。

    We had barely stepped out of our car in Canada 's northern Yukon Territory when the siege began .

  6. 加拿大最高峰,位于加拿大西北部的育空地区。

    Mount Logan is the highest peak in Canada and is located in the Yukon Territory of northwest Canada .

  7. 加拿大育空地区西南圣伊利厄斯山脉的一座山峰,海拔英尺。

    A mountain peak in the Saint Elias Range in the southwestern Yukon Territory in Canada ( 19,850 feet high ) .

  8. 一名牧场主在加拿大的育空地区在佩利河大农场处理一头母牛和她的小牛犊。

    A rancher attends to a mother cow and her calf at the Pelly River Ranch in Canada 's Yukon Territory .

  9. 育空地区的首府白马市然后就留下一个以烟黑为地的空白图形,原来的剪纸图样则可以拿去作为服饰刺绣之用了。

    Whitehorse , the territorial capital of the Yukon . Thus the original design is saved to provide the pattern for embroidery .

  10. 在加拿大育空地区的冰川与山脉相遇之处,一些山峰从冰雪中突起,就好像雪海之中的小岛。

    Where glaciers meet mountains in Canada 's Yukon Territory , some peaks jut from the ice like islands in a frozen sea .

  11. 科迪当时五十岁,他是内华达州的银矿、育空地区、一八七五年以来每一次淘金热的产物。

    Cody was fifty years old then , a product of the Nevada silver fields , of the Yukon , of every rush for metal since seventy-five .

  12. 在阿拉斯加和育空(加拿大一地区),一些社区已经用雪地车取代了狗拉雪橇。

    In Alaska or the Yukon , dog-pulled sleds have been replaced by snowmobiles in some communities .