
yù chú
  • brood
育雏 [yù chú]
  • [brood] 孵育幼小动物

育雏[yù chú]
  1. 抗应激药物对蛋鸡育雏效果的研究

    Study on Anti - stress Additives to the Brood Effect of Hens

  2. 不同药物防疫程序对三黄鸡育雏效果的比较研究

    Comparison of the Effect on Brood To Tree-Yellow-Chick for Different Medicines Prevention Procedure

  3. 在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在一日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。

    Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked AT1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder .

  4. 黑鹳F2的人工孵化及育雏的研究

    Artificial Incubation and Nestling Raising of Black Stork F_2

  5. 选择144只28日龄健康AA商品肉仔鸡,平均分成3组,每组3个重复,每重复16只鸡,饲养在中国农科院畜牧研究所的人工气候舱内的层叠式育雏笼中。

    One hundred and forty-four 28-day-old broilers were equally divided into 3 groups with 3 replicates in each group , 16 chickens in each replicate .

  6. 建议在蛋鸭笼养条件下育雏阶段饲粮锰的添加水平为90mg·kg-1。

    It is suggested that diet Mn level of the egg duckling is 90 mg · kg-1 under cage condition .

  7. 为提高人工育雏成活率,对朱鹮腿病发生时间性,以及与矿物质(Ca,P)和微量元素(Mn)的关系进行了初步探讨。

    For increasing the rate of survive of man - fostered , we preliminary study the timeliness of occurring on leg 's disease of Crested Ibis , and the relationship of which with mineral ( Ca , P ) and microelement ( Mn ) .

  8. 育雏箱的温度前7d为37℃,以后以每天0.5℃幅度逐渐降低,箱内湿度保持在55%,20日龄后可在室温下饲养;

    The temperature of the nestling incubator was 37 ℃ in the earlier 7 days , the gradually decreased for 0.5 ℃ per day ; the relative humidity maintained at 55 % . After 20 days , the nestling can be grown under room temperature .

  9. 每巢产3~5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率625%。

    Normally a nest had 3-5 eggs , and the incubation period was 21 days . After being fledged for 41 days , the young birds flight off the nest on the 42nd day and the rate of survival upon flying away was 62 5 % .

  10. 提高乌骨鸡育雏率的技术措施

    Technique on Improvement Rate of Raising Young Fowl of Taihe Chick

  11. 育雏期肉用仔鸡实施控光效果的研究

    A study on the effect using controlled lightening on broiler chicks

  12. 苍鹭育雏行为及雏鸟生长发育的研究

    Study of the Brooding , Feeding ang Growth of Gray Heron

  13. 人工育雏期非洲鸵鸟的行为

    Behavior of African Ostrich ( Struthio camelus ) in Brooding Period

  14. 黄嘴鹮鹳混群笼养繁殖和育雏行为观察

    Yellow-billed Stork Mixed Group of Captive Breeding and Rearing Behavior Observation

  15. 野禽类育雏期不同药物防疫程序的防疫效果

    The Results of Epidemic Prevention in Different Periods of Wild Fowls Brooding

  16. 鸡育雏期饲养管理及疾病诊断专家系统研究初报

    A primary study on computer expert for breeding management of young chicken

  17. 肉仔鸡低温育雏效果的研究

    The Studies on Effect of Cool Temperature Brooding in Broilers

  18. 黑天鹅的饲养繁殖与人工育雏

    Feeding , Breeding and Young Bird Caring of Black Swan

  19. 不同酶制剂组合在环颈雉育雏中的应用效果

    Effect of Applying Different Combinations of Enzyme Preparations on Raising Young Pheasants

  20. 日粮蛋白质水平对育雏期绿头野鸭生长性能的影响

    Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Growth Performance of Wild Anas Platyrhynchos

  21. 除繁殖、育雏阶段外,麻雀是非常喜欢群居的鸟类。

    Besides , breeding , brood stage is very like sparrows gregarious birds .

  22. 绿尾虹雉育雏研究

    Study on Rearing Chicks of the Chinese Monal Pheasant

  23. 育雏期存活率的变化曲线及其应用

    Living percentage curve of brood time and its utilization

  24. 金鸡人工孵化与育雏的试验报告

    The Experimental Report of the Artificial Incubation and the Brooding of the Golden Pheasant

  25. 白羽王鸽不同育雏数量的生长情况比较

    Comparison of growth on different numbers of suckled nestling pigeons of american King pigeon

  26. 低温育雏技术的研究目的是减少能源消耗,降低生产成本。

    The goal of cool temperature brooding is to reduce the cost of production .

  27. 日粮能量、蛋白水平对高邮鸭育雏期生长性能的影响

    Effect of Dietary Crude Protein and Energy Concentrations on Growth Performance in Gaoyou Ducklings

  28. 提高鹅育雏成活率的技术

    Technique of Increasing Brooding Viability of Goose

  29. 雏鸡日粮中添加痢特灵、土霉素和酸牛奶育雏效果的研究

    Effect of Food Supplemented with Furazolidone , Terramycin or Yogurt on the Brood of Chicks

  30. 每年夏天,白胸翡翠都会在我家附近营巢育雏。

    As usual , a pair of White-Breasted Kingfishers nest near my home this summer .