
  1. 水稻钵育秧移栽技术是我国水稻生产上的一项新的增产栽培技术。

    The technology of throwing and transplanting rice seedlings reformed the rice planting technology .

  2. 旱育秧移栽后所表现的诸多生长优势均首先得益于根系生长良好。

    Growth superiority of dry raising seedlings after being transplanted firstly benefitted from good growth of roots .

  3. 自幼穗分化期起至黄熟期,四种育秧移栽方式的透光率基本相同。

    The light transmittance for four cultivation methods were similar in the development of rice from panicle differentiation period to maturation period .

  4. 大田抛秧在600盘/hm2密度下有较好的生物学性状和最高产量.与传统育秧移栽方式比,产量提高11.35%。

    It shows also that biological character is better and the yield is the highest when the density of throwing seedlings is 600 plate / hm ~ 2.Comparing with traditional breeding seedlings , the yield can increase by 11.35 % over the traditional one .

  5. 在大田栽培条件下,以武香粳14为材料,对机插水稻的育秧、移栽、肥料运筹等进行了精确定量栽培调控技术研究。

    The field experiments of japonica rice variety " Wuxianjing 14 " were conducted during 2002 ~ 2004 in order to study the precise quantity control of growing seedlings , transplantation and N fertilizer application of machine-transplanted rice .

  6. 水稻直播技术省去了育秧、拔秧、移栽工序,是一种省工、省力、节约成本、增产增效、适宜机械化操作的新型栽培技术。

    The technology of the paddy direct seeder omit the step of seeding and plant , and it is a new technology for mechanized operation , which both saves time and labour , and increase production and efficiency .

  7. 水稻直播省去了育秧、拔秧、移栽等繁琐环节,是水稻轻型栽培技术中最简单的种植方式,劳动强度低,物质消耗少,效益高,操作方便,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Paddy direct-seeding is the simple crop mode among paddy light planting techniques which leave out rearing fry , pulling out fry , transplanting numerous trivial taches , owing low labor intension , few consuming substance , high benefit and convenient operation virtues .