
  • 网络breeder
  1. 随着分子生物学研究的进展,发展与棉纤维品质性状连锁的DNA标记使得育种者在棉花生长的早期阶段或早期分离世代就能追踪这个重要性状,从而提高纤维品质的选择效率。

    The development of DNA markers linked to the fiber quality QTL would allow cotton breeders to trace this very important trait in early plant-growing stage or early segregating generations .

  2. IAEA正在寻求投入数百万美元从而增强它与发展中国家育种者的联系,并支持他们利用这项技术和开展他们的能力建设。

    The IAEA is looking for several million dollars to enhance its links with developing country plant breeders and support them in using the technology and building their capacity .

  3. 植物新品种权(plantvarietyright)又称为育种者权利,是国家授予植物新品种的培育者(单位或个人)利用其品种而获得利益的权利。

    Plant variety right is known as the breeding right . Allow the breeders ( units or individual ) to use its right which is granted by the state to obtain the benefit .

  4. 文中给出了判断主成分中主载性状、限制性状及中间性状的方法,便于育种者根据个体的性状表现来选择,以达到对Fi选择所期望得到的遗传进展。

    So breeding operator can choose the traits from individual expression to achieve the expectation of genetic process by selection .

  5. 转基因水稻育种者已经证明,引进Bt基因或者其它抗虫基因能够减少杀虫剂使用、劳动力成本及由害虫引发的减产。

    GM rice developers have shown that introducing Bt ( Bacillus thuringiensis ) or other anti-insect genes can cut pesticide use , labour costs and yield losses caused by pests .

  6. 这些可怜的花朵,是被植物育种者糟蹋掉的又一个牺牲品。它们本属于巴西本地品种一串红(Salviasplendens)。而植物育种者总是将原本完美无缺、令人惊叹的品种培育成适于商场销售的植物。

    These unfortunate flowers are yet another example of what happens when plant breeders take a perfectly wonderful species - in this case , Salvia splendens , a native of Brazil - and turn it into a mall plant .

  7. 这里是VOA特别英语农业报道。植物育种者和基因工程师一直致力于赋予植物抵抗昆虫,疾病,干旱和洪涝等威胁的能力。

    With Resistant Crops , Progress Can Raise New Problems This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report . Plant breeders and genetic engineers to give crops the strength to threats like insects , diseases , s or floods .

  8. 肯尼亚的法律把侵犯植物育种者的权利明确视为犯罪。

    Kenya 's law explicitly criminalises violators of plant breeders'rights .

  9. 还有一个目标是加强农民和植物育种者之间的沟通。

    Still another goal is to improve communications between farmers and plant breeders .

  10. 植物育种者也更倾向于谷物,如此一来虽保证了卡路里摄入,却没有保证营养。

    And plant breeders tend to raise cereals which maximise calories , not nutrients .

  11. 育种者的确定及其权利分配难以协调;

    It is difficult to determine main breeders and to coordinate rights among many breeders ;

  12. 育种者采用的办法是倾向于信赖试验处理和贮藏设计方案以及合理的及时播种。

    Breeders tend to rely on tested treatment and storage schedules and on reasonably prompt sowing .

  13. 为育种者进行亲本选择和小麦品种资源分类提供了依据。

    This method can help selection of parents for breeding purposes and for classification of wheat genetic resources .

  14. 虽说如此,但是雷西在很久以前就找到了许多尚未被育种者摧残的鼠尾草品种。

    That said , Mr. Lacy long ago discovered many salvias that have escaped the ruin of S. splendens .

  15. 实践中,三向选择策略的实施方法有定性法和定量法2种,但定量法能更大程度地提高育种效率,将更受育种者的青睐。

    In practice , there are qualitative application method and quantitative application method for three-way selection strategy of vegetable breeding .

  16. 为了维护生产者和育种者的利益,提供快速可靠的品种鉴定方法具有重要意义。

    It is very important for the farmers and breeders to build a fast and dependable method of cultivars identification .

  17. 建议采用育种者种子→原原种→原种→良种四级程序。

    It is suggested applying 4 stage procedures of Breeder 's Seed → Foundation Seed → Registered Seed → Certified Seed .

  18. 他们说重点应该转移到可以在干旱和半干旱热带地区种植的珍珠粟和高粱等作物上。他们说,研究重点的改变将对植物育种者的培训项目和农业教育系统产生影响。

    They said focus should shift to crops such as pearl millets and sorghum that grow in arid and semi-arid tropics .

  19. 加大执法力度,规范市场,依法保护育种者的权益;

    To reinforce the implementation of law and normalize the market so as to protect the breeder 's rights and profits ;

  20. 现有育种材料遗传基础狭窄,新优种质资源匮乏是困扰多数育种者的普遍问题。

    Narrow heredity basis and excellent new genetic resources shortage are major parts of universal problems what puzzle most maize breeders .

  21. 《植物新品种保护公约》是保护植物育种者权益的重要国际协定。

    The Convention on the Protection of New Plant Varieties is an important international agreement for protecting the rights of breeders .

  22. 基于此状况,国内育种者已于近年开展了强筋小麦品种的选育。

    The domestic breeders have been breeding high quality wheat varieties with high gluten varieties in recent years to deal with this situation .

  23. 提出了确定主选性状、辅助性状和限制性状的方法,便于育种者根据个体的性状表现进行选择。

    The paper also shows ways to ascertain main selective , assistant and restrained trait , which allow breeders to select by individual phenotypes .

  24. 因此这种预育种至少让那一组基因首先转入了某些类型的植物,植物育种者更容易培育它们。

    So the pre-breeding at least gets that first set of genes into some kind of form that is easier for a plant breeder .

  25. 植物育种者和基因工程师一直致力于赋予植物抵抗昆虫,疾病,干旱和洪涝等威胁的能力。

    Plant breeders and genetic engineers keep working to give crops the strength to resist threats like insects , diseases , droughts or floods .

  26. FAO/IAEA联合项目与植物育种者、粮食机构和农业团体合作支持在各个发展中国家使用诱变技术。

    The Joint Division works with plant breeders , food agencies and agricultural groups to support the use of induced mutation throughout the developing world .

  27. 这些三叶草叶子的性状是通过什么方式遗传的,为什么白色三叶草有这么多珍贵稀有的性状,已困扰遗传学家和育种者多年。

    How these leaf traits are inherited and why white clover has so many rare leaf traits and has puzzled geneticists and breeders for many years .

  28. 植物品种保护是一种新型的知识产权,主要宗旨是保护育种者合理权益。

    Plant variety protection ( PVP ) is a novel system of intellectual property rights protection , which is aimed to protect the right of plant breeders .

  29. 假如新品种可以让生产者有较好的收成或较好的产品,那麽给育种者一些权利金还是划得来的。

    If new varieties allow the grower to have higher harvest or better products with higher profits , it is worth paying the royalty to the breeder .

  30. 品种资源档案的建立,为优良抗病资源入库提供信息,便于其他育种者有效利用;

    The data obtained can be used for setting up a database , which may be helpful for breeders to use them efficiently in a potato breeding program .