
yù ér dài
  • brood pouch;marsupium;pouch
育儿袋[yù ér dài]
  1. 生有育儿袋是有袋动物的一个特点。

    Pouches are a peculiarity of marsupials .

  2. 这个称谓让人联想到一只长得过大却尚未离开母亲育儿袋的有袋类动物。

    The name suggests the image of an overgrown marsupial that hasn 't left its mother 's pouch .

  3. Yva说道:我们遇到了两只带着幼崽的袋鼠妈妈,当时他们在草丛中吃草并短暂休息,袋鼠宝宝们不断地把脑袋和腿伸出育儿袋。

    Yva said : This was one of two females with young joeys . The mothers were grazing in short grass and periodically resting , while the babies kept sticking their heads and legs out of the pouches .

  4. 据美联社报道,Tijana的母亲被一只食火鸟吓到后,六个月大的小袋鼠从她的育儿袋中掉了下来,并且其母亲拒绝让她再进来。

    After Tijana 's mother had been scared by an emu , the six-month-old kangaroo fell out of her pouch , and the mother'roo wouldn 't let her back in , the Associated Press reported .

  5. 这只袋鼠需要一个更大的育儿袋来装她的宝宝。

    The kangaroo needs a bigger pouch for her babies .

  6. 明天,带上你的育儿袋乘飞机。

    And then tomorrow , you 're gonna plant yourchildbearing hips on a plane .

  7. 蛋在温暖的育儿袋中孵化。

    The eggs hatch inside the warm pouch .

  8. 雌袋鼠把小袋鼠放在身体外表的育儿袋里。

    Female kanga-roos carry their young in pouches that are external to their bodies .

  9. 它们的育儿袋里放着小袋鼠时看起来非常可爱。

    And when they have a little baby in the pouch it looks adorable .

  10. 然后,它将蛋推进它身体前面的育儿袋中。

    She then pushes the eggs into a pouch on the front of her body .

  11. 袋鼠有一个育儿袋。

    The kangaroo has a pouch .

  12. 他是借用袋鼠妈妈携带他们的幼崽在前面的一个育儿袋里。

    It borrows from the way mother kangaroos carry their young in front in a pouch .

  13. 海马:雄海马身上有个育儿袋,海马妈妈就把卵产在里边。

    Seahorse : The male seahorse has a pouch in which the mother lays her eggs .

  14. 袋鼠有一个育儿袋,袋鼠宝宝一直住在里面直到它们自己能到处蹦跳。

    The kangaroo has a pouch where babies live until they can hop around on their own .

  15. 袋鼠妈妈把树皮绑在了自己的腰上,树皮变陈了一个袋子,就是今天每个袋鼠都有的一个育儿袋。

    Mother Kangaroo tied the bark around her waist and it turned into the pouch that all kangaroos have today .

  16. 海马爸爸大约要照看这些受精卵两个月的时间,直至小海马孵出,离开育儿袋为止。

    The father then looks after the eggs for about two months , until they hatch and leave the pouch .

  17. 这次称体重也是这只小考拉第一次离开妈妈的育儿袋。

    The young koala left her mothers pouch for the first time this week , enabling the keeper to weigh her .

  18. 它们还很善于运用短臂!它们的育儿袋里放着小袋鼠时看起来非常可爱。

    They are very skilled at using their little arms ! And when they have a little baby in the pouch it looks adorable .

  19. 待他们的舞步完全同步后,雌海马便会将两千个卵细胞滑入雄海马妊娠专用的育儿袋中。

    Eventually , with their movements fully synchronized , the female slips a couple thousand eggs into a little pouch the male has just for that purpose .

  20. 和袋鼠一样,雌性白腹树袋熊的腹部有一个育儿袋,有四个乳房供其孩子吮吸乳汁。

    Like the kangaroo , the female dingiso has a pouch on its abdomen , where its young ride as they suckle milk from one of its four breasts .

  21. 出生之后,考拉妈妈会把橡皮糖大小的幼兽放在育儿袋里半年,等它长大到一岁左右前,幼兽一般都会攀附在妈妈的背上或肚子上。

    After birth , a momma koala will carry the jellybean baby in her pouch for about six months ; after it emerges , the newborn clings to its mother 's back or belly until it is around a year old .