
mǐn ɡǎn qī
  • sensitive period
  1. 辐照大蒜抑制发芽的敏感期试验

    Study on sensitive period of buds germination inhibition in irradiated garlic

  2. 中华鳖性别决定敏感期的研究

    A Study of the Sensitive Period of the Sex Determination of Trionyx Sinensis

  3. 结论:屈光参差性弱视眼的P和M通道可能都受到了视觉发育敏感期异常视觉经验的影响;

    Conclusions : It was infered that abnormal visual experiences during early development may affect either P pathway or M pathway in anisometropic amblyopia .

  4. SteveLohrenz表示,这次泄漏发生在一个敏感期,刚好在商业捕捞季节开始后不久。

    Steve Lohrenz says the spill has come at a time , shortly after the start of the commercial fishing season .

  5. 敏感期为抽穗前的7~14d。

    The responding period is ranged from 7 to 14 days before heading .

  6. 就Cd对稻米卫生品质的影响而言,生殖生长期是水稻的Cd污染敏感期,杂交水稻对Cd污染的敏感性大于常规水稻。

    Considering the influence of Cd on the hygienic quality of brown rice The rice in its reproductive stage was sensitive to Cd pollution and hybrid rice was more sensitive to Cd than the conventional one .

  7. 810S的育性转换敏感期在其抽穗前的13天-5天,育性转换临界温度为24.7℃;

    The sensitive stage of 810S was from 13d to 5d before heading , the CSTP was 24.7 ℃;

  8. 我们为新药人体表皮生长因子(以下简称HEGF)提供安全使用的科学依据,进行了大鼠致畸敏感期毒性试验和小鼠精子畸形试验。

    In order to furnish scientific evidence for using HEGF safely , the toxity test on sensi - tive period of teratogenesis in rat and sperm teratogenicity test on mouse were carried out .

  9. 多巴胺是视觉系统中的主要神经递质,既可以直接参与视觉敏感期的发育,也可以介导调节NMDA受体活性,从而重建或延长视觉敏感期,以达到治疗弱视的目的。

    Dopamine was one of the main neurotransmitter in visual system . It not only regulated the activity of NMDA receptors , but also reconstructed or prolonged the visual sensitive period , so as to achieve the aim for amblyopic treatment .

  10. 萍乡显性核不育水稻育性转换温度敏感期在花粉母细胞形成期至减数分裂期,即抽穗前18~12d;

    The thermo sensitive phase fertility alteration in Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice occurred from pollen mother cell formation to meiotic phase , i.e. 18-12 days before heading .

  11. 结果表明,盐胁迫显著抑制了水稻种子萌发,发芽早期(0~5d)是水稻种子萌发盐敏感期,RILs家系间种子萌发存在显著差异。

    The results showed that the performances of rice seed germination were mostly limited by salt stress and the early germination stage ( 0-5 d ) might be the salt sensitive stage in rice . There were significant differences in all germination traits under salt stress among RILs .

  12. 结果表明:影响1103S春繁产量的关键是育性转换温度敏感期内的环境温度,此间日均温高于23.5℃的时间愈多,产量愈低。

    The results showed that the key factor influencing seed reproduction yield of 1103S was the environmental temperature during its temperature sensitive stage of fertility change . During this stage the more the days of daily mean temperature > 23.5 ℃, the lower the seed reproduction yield .

  13. 男子篮球主要技术掌握与运用敏感期探微

    Research on Sensitivity Period of The Main Skill for Male Basketball Athlete

  14. 弱视是小儿视觉发育敏感期常见的视觉紊乱。

    Amblyopia was the common ocular disorder in children visual development sensitive period .

  15. 视觉敏感期后弱视的可塑性研究进展

    An update of research on the plasticity of amblyopia after the sensitive period

  16. 视觉发育敏感期是弱视发生的危险期,也是逆转弱视的最佳时机。

    The sensitive period of visual development is a critical period for amblyopia .

  17. 光敏核不育水稻育性转换的温度敏感期研究

    Studies on the thermo-sensitive period of fertility alteration in Photoperiod-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Rice

  18. 萍乡显性核不育水稻临界温度值及其温度敏感期的研究

    Critical Temperature and the Thermo sensitive Phase of Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice

  19. 儿童心理发展中的敏感期与早期教育

    The Period of Sensitivity and Early Stage Education in the Psychological Development of Children

  20. 屈光不正儿童立体视觉敏感期临床研究

    The clinical study on sensitive period of stereoscopic visual development in the ametropic children

  21. 美凤蝶对光周期的敏感期为5龄幼虫。

    The fifth instar larvae of Papilio memnon is the sensitive stage to photoperiod .

  22. 冬小麦拔节后幼穗低温敏感期的鉴定

    Identification of young ear 's low temperature sensitive phase after jointing stage of winter wheat

  23. 在敏感期进行品种间的抗霜力比较、排序。

    Then the frost resistance at sensitive phase were compared and sequenced among these species .

  24. 黑龙江省水稻冷害Ⅲ障碍型冷害敏感期的外部形态诊断

    Rice Cooling Injury in Heilongjiang Province ⅲ Morphological Diagnosis on Sensitive Stage of Sterile Cooling Injury

  25. 美洛昔康对大鼠致畸敏感期的毒性试验研究

    Teratologic Study on Meloxicam in Rats

  26. 冬小麦水氮配合关键期和亏缺敏感期的确定

    Study on the Key and Sensitive Stage of Winter Wheat Responses to Water and Nitrogen Coordination

  27. 子代受母代效应调控的敏感期;

    Developmental stages in offspring controlled by maternal effects , the egg stage in most cases .

  28. 合子期内不同阶段的辐射敏感性与突变频率有紧密的对应关系,合子敏感期是诱变的适宜时期。

    The radiosensitivity of zygotes irradiated at different stages showed a close relationship with the mutation frequency .

  29. 笔者就有关弱视患者在视觉敏感期后是否具有可塑性的研究进展进行综述。

    This review updates the status of research on the plasticity of amblyopia after the sensitive period .

  30. 5460不育系育性转变敏感期试验初报

    A Preliminary Report on the Sensitive Period of Pollen Fertility Alternation in Male Sterile 5460 Indica Rice