
wàn zú
  • Brachiopod;tentacle;peduncle
腕足 [wàn zú]
  • [peduncle] 某些有机体较大的部分或整个有机体所连接的细狭的部分(如腕足类动物的腕足)

  1. arm一词亦指无脊椎动物的附肢或运动器官,如海星的腕、章鱼的触手和腕足纲动物的腕足。

    The term may also denote the limb or the locomotive or prehensile organ of an invertebrate ( e.g. , the ray of a starfish or the tentacle of an octopus ) .

  2. 其显著特征是,岩石具残余生物碎屑结构,见大量腕足类、海百合茎、珊瑚等钙质生物假象,主要为mm级完整个体,密集堆积。

    The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure , with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms , such as brachiopoda , encrinite caudex and coral , which are several millimeters in size .

  3. 而另外的第I-IV腕足的断裂强度分别是其体重的2.30、2.05、2.06和1.87倍;

    The broken strengths of the other four arms are respectively as 2.30,2.05, 2.06 and 1.87 times as that of its body weight .

  4. 根据上述地层中珊瑚和腕足动物化石,推测它们当时是生活在正常浅海的生活环境中,大致相当于底栖组合BA3。

    The brachiopods and corals in these formations may have lived in normal shallow marine environment and a Benthic Assemblage 3 assignment is suggested .

  5. 本雅明-霍齐纳(BinyaminHochner)和他的同事研究章鱼多年,尤其是关注他们灵活的腕足和身体运动的控制。

    Binyamin Hochner and his colleagues had been working with octopuses for many years , focusing especially on their flexible arms and body motor control .

  6. 事实上,研究者正在于欧洲委员会STIFF-FLOP项目共享他们的研究成果,该项目致力于研发章鱼腕足形状的手术操作臂。

    In fact , the researchers are sharing their findings with European Commission project STIFF-FLOP , aimed to develop a flexible surgical manipulator in the shape of an octopus arm .

  7. 新类型的腕足动物&Guangdongina及其生态环境

    A new type of brachiopods & guangdongina and its ecological environment

  8. 微量元素分布揭示腕足化石壳体原始信息保存现状

    Trace element distribution : An indicator of fossil brachiopod shell preservation

  9. 辽宁腕足动物化石在地层上的分布

    Stratum stratigraphical distribution of brachiopods in Liaoning Province with their significance

  10. 新疆石炭纪腕足类组合特征

    Assemblage feature of brachiopod fauna of the Carboniferous in Xinjiang

  11. 湘西北地区早二叠世早期的腕足动物

    Brachiopods of the early age of Early Permian epoch in northwestern Hunan

  12. 东秦岭中部晚奥陶世腕足类

    Late Ordovician brachiopods from central part of eastern Qinling region

  13. 西北地区泥盆纪腕足动物地理分区

    Regionalism of the Devonian brachiopod zoogeography in the Northwest China

  14. 河北完县中、晚寒武世无铰纲腕足类

    Middle and Upper Cambrian inarticulate brachiopods from wanxian , hebei , North China

  15. 昆仑-阿尔金地区中奥陶世腕足类

    Middle Ordovician brachiopods from Mts . Kunlun and Altun

  16. 川黔地区长兴阶至三叠系底部的腕足动物化石群落及其控制因素

    Brachiopod communities from Changxingian to Triassic basement in sichuan-guizhou and their controlling factors

  17. 泥盆纪海水的碳、氧同位素变化&来自腕足化石的同位素记录

    Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Variations of Devonian Seawater : Isotopic Records from Brachiopod Shell

  18. 湖南慈利奥陶纪磷酸质无铰合构造的腕足类

    Ordovician phosphatic inarticulate brachiopods from cili , Hunan

  19. 5对腕足整体的平均脱钩率接近10%。

    The average jigging-off rate for all arms and tentacula is about 10 % .

  20. 广西合山晚二叠世腕足类的两个新属

    Two new genera of Brachiopoda from the Heshan formation ( upper permian ) of Guangxi

  21. 吉林省中部早石炭世杜内期的腕足动物化石

    Tournaisian brachiopod fossils from Central Jilin Province

  22. 河北秦皇岛石门寨地区晚石炭世本溪组下部的腕足动物及其古环境

    Brachiopods from lower Benxi Formation of shimen-zhai region , qinhuangdao , Hebei and their palaeoenvironments

  23. 采用生物统计法中常用的双变量分析,研究腕足类种一级分类单位。

    A bivariate analysis has been conducted to study the classificatory units of brachiopod species .

  24. 那么章鱼是否是一种皮肤具有视觉能力、八条腕足具有思维能力的生物体呢?

    Could it be : an organism with a seeing skin and eight thinking arms ?

  25. 贵州西部晚石炭世腕足动物

    Uppermost Carboniferous brachiopods from western Guizhou

  26. 湖南郴县&嘉禾地区晚二叠世腕足动物组合特征

    The Assemblage Characters of the Upper Permian Brachiopod in Chen County-Jiahe Area , Southern Hunan Province

  27. 湖南中部早石炭世腕足动物组合及几个问题的讨论

    The lower Carboniferous brachiopod fauna of central Hunan Province and the discussion on some related stratigraphical problems

  28. 鱿鱼的腕足断裂强度是影响鱿钓脱钩率的重要因素。

    Broken strength of arms and tentacula of squid is a significant factor affecting the jigging-off rate .

  29. 苏、浙、皖三省邻近地区晚二叠世至早三叠世早期腕足类的新属种

    New genus and species of Late Permian and earliest Triassic brachiopods from jiangsu , Zhejiang and Anhui provinces

  30. 寒武早期泥质基底腕足动物的生活策略&来自澄江动物群的证据

    Life strategies of Early Cambrian brachiopods on mud substrate : Inferences from the Chengjiang fauna of South China