
  • 网络brachiosaurus;Brachiosaurus altithorax;brachiosaur;B. brancai
  1. 侏罗纪时代图片集。一群腕龙聚集在一个森林海岸在这方面艺术家的描述。

    A herd of brachiosaurus congregates on a forested coast in this artist 's depiction .

  2. 腕龙的血压大约是500毫米汞柱。

    Brachiosaurus would have a blood pressure of about 500 millimeters of mercury .

  3. 由于腕龙的身体太过于笨量,因此以往大家都认为很难在陆地上生活。

    As Brachiosaurus body of too stupid , we all think that the past it was difficult living on the land .

  4. 但是,根据专家学者对腕龙骨头的详细调查,却明白发现,腕龙的体型,实在非常适合生活在乾燥的陆地上。

    However , according to experts and scholars on the brachiosaurus bones detailed survey has found that , brachiosaurus physique , it is very suitable for living in the dry land .

  5. 一般都称他为腕龙,这种温和的巨人有著庞大的身体,长长的脖子,小小的脑袋,和鞭子一样的尾巴是他用来自我防卫的。

    Once commonly called Brontosaurus , this gentle giant had a massive body , a long neck , a small head , and a whiplash tail it often used in self-defense .