
qiū yǔ
  • autumn rains
秋雨[qiū yǔ]
  1. 还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更像样。

    As for autumn rains in the North , they also seem to differ from those in the South , being more appealing , more temperate .

  2. 再加上秋雨将仅有的几条道路变成了泥潭,进一步限制了德军的行动。

    With the advent of autumn rains , the few roads turned to mud , further restricting German movement .

  3. 秋雨绵绵。

    The autumn rain goes on and on .

  4. 秋雨频数。

    It rains incessantly in autumn .

  5. 秋雨一开始,这里将成一片泥泞。

    When the fall rains come , there won 't be anything here but a loblolly .

  6. 华西秋雨天气过程中GPS遥感水汽总量演变特征

    The Evolution Features of Precipitable Water Vapor Derived from Ground-based GPS During Autumn Rain Weather Process in West China

  7. 巴山的夜里下着绵绵的秋雨,池塘都已经涨满了水。

    The endless rain filled the pools on this autumn night .

  8. 华西秋雨的气候特征及成因分析

    Climate Features and Formation Causes of Autumn Rain over Southwest China

  9. 秋雨依旧如此落下,但一切都会过去。

    So fell autumn rain , but all things must pass .

  10. 秋雨是丰收果实的天使。

    Autumn rain is harvest the fruits of an angel .

  11. 冰冷的秋雨打在我脸上流着血的伤口上。

    Cold autumn rain beats down on my bloodstained face .

  12. 春雨不像秋雨,也不像夏雨。

    Rain in spring is not like rain in autumn or summer .

  13. 秋雨绵绵,天气一天比一天凉爽。

    Autumn rain , the weather cool day by day .

  14. 秋雨给世界带来了希望,并期待着丰收。

    Fall rain brings down the wishes , looking forward to the harvest .

  15. 秋雨的时候,我让它和梧桐的故事对话。

    I 'll let the voice interweave with the story of the Chinese parasols .

  16. 那头骡子仰着头,皮笼头上的红缨,像是秋雨里一朵艳红的鸡冠花。

    Leather halter on Hongying , such as in a rain of red cockscomb .

  17. 过尽路牌无客影,一冈秋雨鹧鸪啼。

    No passengers had to make signs shadow , a Gang autumn partridge sing .

  18. 我是温柔的温柔秋雨。

    I am the gentle gentle autumn rain .

  19. 是温和的秋雨;

    I am the gentle autumns rain ;

  20. 因他赐给你们合宜的秋雨,为你们降下甘霖,就是秋雨,春雨,和先前一样。

    He sends you abundant showers , both autumn and spring rains , as before .

  21. 弗朗西丝卡在六十七岁生日时坐在窗口望着秋雨细细回味。

    Sitting by the window on her sixty-seventh birthday , Francesca watched the rain and remembered .

  22. 若这些随秋雨而去,不用多说,我会更好。

    If these away with the autumn , Needless to say , I will be better .

  23. 窗外,秋雨淅淅沥沥地不知下了多久。

    Out the window , under the autumn intermittent way I do not know how long .

  24. 因为没有“秋风秋雨愁煞人”的凄冷,秋是不完整的。

    Because there is no " Autumn Melancholy Sharen autumn ," the cold at Autumn is incomplete .

  25. 当疲惫的夏天向北退去时,秋雨带着笑容来到人间。

    When exhaustion recede in the north in the summer , with Autumn Rainfall smile to the world .

  26. 青海省旱地农业区秋雨春用的研究

    Research on " Autumn Rainfall Used in Spring " in Agricultural Zone of Rainfed Farmland in Qinghai Province

  27. 文章主要讨论了余秋雨的《秋雨散文》和素素的“独语东北”系列散文。

    The article mainly discusses Qiuyu s Proses by Yu Qiuyu and Susu s Soliloquys in the Northeast .

  28. 可听话的人的心情比凶煞的秋雨还要恶劣,也许就此再也见不到她了。

    May be the feelings of law-abiding people worse than Xiongsha the autumn , perhaps this never see her .

  29. 我爱秋的澄澈与斑斓,可我也爱带点瑟瑟寒意的秋雨。

    I love the autumn of clarity and gorgeous , but I also love a little whistle chill of autumn .

  30. 我很好,在一场悲伤地恋爱后,犹如秋雨洗礼后的紫罗兰般怒放。

    I am fine , after a heartbreaking relationship , I bloom as lovely as a violet after the rain .