
qiū shuǐ xiān
  • autumn crocus;meadow saffron
秋水仙[qiū shuǐ xiān]
  1. 该药的活性成份为秋水仙碱(colchicine),是一种来源于植物秋藏红花或秋水仙的干燥种子的复杂化合物。

    The medication 's active ingredient is colchicine , a complex compound derived from the dried seeds of a plant known as the autumn crocus or meadow saffron ( Colchicum autumnale ) .

  2. 秋水仙胺半合成新方法

    A Novel Semi-synthesis Method for Demecolcine

  3. 秋水仙胺的浓度和处理时间对白血病患者骨髓细胞分裂指数的影响

    Effects of the Concentration and the Processing Time of Colcemide on Mitotic Index of Bone Marrow Cells in Leukemia Patients

  4. 我一定记得,几年前在订购第二年的水仙花球茎时,我挖出了我的秋水仙,将它们给了我的父母。

    I must remember when ordering my bulbs next year that I dug out my colchicums and gave them to my parents a couple of years ago .