
  • 网络BEGONIA;Begoniaceae
  1. 五种秋海棠属花卉的同工酶谱分析。

    The isoenzymes zymogram analysis of five species flowers of Begonia spp.

  2. 云南秋海棠属叶表皮及毛被的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of Leaf Epidermis and Its Hair of Begonia from Yunnan

  3. 广西秋海棠属植物种质资源的调查与收集

    Investigation and collection of germplasm of genus Begonia in Guangxi

  4. 云南东南部秋海棠属侧膜组一新种

    A new species of Begonia ( Begoniaceae ) from SE Yunnan , China

  5. 秋海棠属植物的引种栽培及繁殖技术研究

    Study on Introduction , Cultivation and Propagation of Begonia

  6. 云南八种秋海棠属植物的染色体数目

    Chromosome Numbers of Eight Taxa of Begonia from Yunnan

  7. 具有块茎状根的各种秋海棠属植物。

    Any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots .

  8. 云南秋海棠属植物小志

    Notes on the Genus Begonia from Yunnan

  9. 具有明显的、匍匐而粗糙的茎或根状茎的各种秋海棠属植物。具有匍匐根茎的一种百慕达群岛特有的纤细蕨类。

    Any of numerous begonias having prominent shaggy creeping stems or rhizomes . delicate endemic Bermudian fern with creeping rootstock .

  10. 北美中部多年生多毛植物,有食用块根。具有块茎状根的各种秋海棠属植物。

    Densely hairy perennial of central North America having edible tuberous roots . any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots .

  11. 在同一时间这一区域种植其他种植物如秋海棠属。据说,它们含有清洁能力的物质。

    In the mean time plant the area with other plants such as begonias which , it is said , have cleansing properties .

  12. 左宗棠对清末海防建设的不朽贡献&评左宗棠创建福州马尾船政局具有块茎状根的各种秋海棠属植物。

    Great Contribution to Chinese Coastal Defense : Establishment of Mawei Ship Council by Zuo Zongtang ; any of numerous begonias having large tuberous roots .

  13. 秋海棠属的任何一种植物,因其平滑、不对称的叶子和成聚伞花序或总状花序的花而被广泛栽培。

    Any of numerous plants of the genus Begonia grown for their attractive glossy asymmetrical leaves and colorful flowers in usually terminal cymes or racemes .