
  • 网络To autumn;Ode to Autumn
  1. 谈《秋颂》的意象功能与生态背景

    Image Function and Ecological Background in " To Autumn "

  2. 审美历史生态&从《秋颂》管窥济慈诗歌研究的范式转型

    Aesthetics , History , Ecology in John Keats 's Poetry To Autumn A Re - discussion on To Autumn

  3. 秋颂-JohnKeats

    To Autumn - John Keats

  4. 济慈秋颂与《诗经·良耜》里的秋天秋天我们的苹果丰收。

    We get a good crop of apples in autumn .

  5. 一般认为济慈名诗《秋颂》一反常有的虚幻、感伤的情调,全诗始终洋溢着明朗、欣喜的气氛。

    Filled with the atmosphere of joyful , cheerful and bright , keats 's To Autumn is generally considered as the contrary to the common topic on autumn which often appears illusory adn sentimental .

  6. 先探讨意象、想象力和审美三者的关系,继而分析《秋颂》中各种意象运用的独到之处,揭示意象的双重象征意义。

    It discusses the relationship among imago , imagination , and aesthetics , analyses the ingenuity of Keat 's employment of diversified imagoes in To Autumn and then discloses the double symbolic meaning of imagoes .

  7. 换句话说,他给了开头,却没有告诉大家这一节剩下的部分是什么样子,因为对他来说《秋颂》的精华就是第一节。

    In other words , he gives you the opening but he doesn 't give you any sense of the rest of the stanza , because for him " To Autumn " is all about the first stanza .

  8. 秋之交响乐&论济慈《秋颂》的音乐表现形式

    The Symphony of Autumn & On the Musical Expressions of " To Autumn " by John Keats