
xī fēnɡ sònɡ
  • Ode to the West Wind
  1. 西风颂

    Ode to the West Wind

  2. 意识形态和诗学对译文的影响&以《西风颂》的三种译诗为例

    Ideology and Poetics ' Impact on Translation & An Analysis of the Three Chinese Versions of Ode to the West Wind

  3. 旧话重提:《西风颂》还是《东风颂》

    Reconsideration on an Old Argument : " West Wind " or " East Wind ";

  4. 《西风颂》里的“西风”代表着毁灭者,保护者以及无限的自由。

    " Ode to the West Wind ", west wind is the biggest symbol , it symbolizes destroyer , preserver and boundless freedom .

  5. 从关联理论的角度论诗歌翻译&雪莱《西风颂》四个汉译本之个案分析

    On Poetry Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory : A Case Study of Four Chinese Versions of Shelley 's Ode to the West Wind

  6. 《西风颂》,有五个诗节,每一个诗节的形式相同。

    The verse form of Shelley 's " Ode to the West Wind " has five strophes , and each strophe is exactly the same in form .

  7. 分析了屈原代表作《离骚》和雪莱的抒情诗《西风颂》所反映的积极浪漫主义精神的异同,认为这种异同的产生主要源于中西文化的差异和所处时代的不同。

    This paper presents an analysis of the similarities and differences between romantic spirit reflected in Shelley s lyric " Ode to the West Wind " and Qu Yuans masterpiece " Lisao " .

  8. 读者解读《西风颂》的过程,是一个多维的、发散性的表象知觉过程,也是一个不断发掘诗的意境潜能的动态过程。

    The course that the readers read " ode to West Wind " is a perceptive one of different dimensions and divergence as well as a motive one of understanding continually the latent energy of this poem .