
  • 网络Cruel World
  1. 一个长期关注科技行业的观察人士表示,硅谷的创造性破坏将让美欧许多无法适应的“一次性公民”(throw-awaycitizen)面对一个残酷世界。

    One long-time tech observer says Silicon Valley 's creative destruction will lead to a cruel world for many " throw-away citizens " in the US and Europe who cannot adapt .

  2. 但不论是血缘家庭还是集体家庭,在雷勃笔下,都是充斥着暴力的残酷世界。

    But regardless of kinship families or families of choice , they are cruel worlds of violence .

  3. 尤其是在投资银行的残酷世界里,擅长往往意味着规模要大;规模和股本回报率之间存在着强有力的联系。

    In the brutal world of investment banking in particular , excelling tends to mean being big ; there is a strong link between scale and returns on equity .

  4. 在好莱坞这个竞争残酷的世界里,只有最优秀的人才能成功。

    In the cutthroat world of Hollywood1 , only the best can be successful .

  5. 而这个残酷的世界只会把她摧毁

    and This World Is Just Going To Crush Her Down .

  6. 我们在一个竞争残酷的世界里经营着。

    Eg : We 're operating in a dog-eat-dog world .

  7. 这是个残酷的世界。

    It 's like a dog eat dog world .

  8. 还是说他们在这个竞争残酷的世界里有了领先的优势?

    Or are they getting a head start in a ruthlessly competitive world ?

  9. 在这个现实而又残酷的世界里,每个人都在扮演着不同的角色。

    In this realistic and cruel world , everyone is playing different roles .

  10. 我不想把孩子生到这个残酷的世界上。

    I wouldn 't want to bring a child into this cruel world .

  11. 在残酷的世界中怀有一颗柔软的心

    Having a soft heart in a cruel world

  12. 唉,一个残酷的世界。

    Alas , what a cold world !

  13. 我发现这是一个残酷的世界。

    I find it a cruel world .

  14. 外面是个残酷的世界,不由我控制。

    It 's a tough world out there . I didn 't make the world .

  15. 在这个残酷的世界里,人类和动物没有什么不同。

    Heartless here in the world , the person and animal have no very big differentiation .

  16. 学生通过学校的学习并不能掌握应对残酷现实世界的技能,这是否已经成为所有人的共识了呢?

    Is it common knowledge that school doesn 't prepare you well for the real world ?

  17. 冰冷残酷的世界里,人总会忘了微笑、忘了如何让人微笑。

    In a coldhearted world , people always forget to smile or how to make them smile .

  18. 在他被偷了,出售了好几次,他发现自己在一个寒冷、平均值、残酷的世界。

    After he was stolen and sold several times he found himself in a cold , mean , harsh world .

  19. 盖茨比只为了一个目标而活,然而这个残酷的世界背叛了他,他只能和他幻灭的绿色梦想长眠地下。

    Gatsby lived for one goal , only to be betrayed by the cruel world , and buried with his disillusioned green dream .

  20. 你要记住,一个有教养的女性应该待在家里,应该对灾个复姑而残酷的世界一无所知才好。

    Remember , a well-bred female 's place is in the home and she should know nothing about this busy , brutal world .

  21. 目前陷入被传统而威胁中,走向她的是那可怕的命运,可莉发现自己被驱赶出来,迷失在一个陌生和残酷的世界里。

    Caught up in a current of tradition that threatens to sweep her toward a terrifying fate , Koly finds herself cast out , lost in a strange and cruel world .

  22. 邀请是有很多,但这是个很残酷的世界,大家都知道我年纪也不轻了,当然了,我看起来还是很年轻,心态也年轻。

    But still of course I 'm quite young look and young at heart but you know maybe people think that ," Oh , he 's getting too old to become an idol ," but which in fact I don 't want to be an idol anymore .

  23. 我们是在一个残酷竞争的世界里立足。

    We 're operating in a dog-eat-dog world .

  24. 为了在残酷竞争的世界里生存。

    In order to survive the brutal world of competitions .

  25. 刚刚过去几个月是残酷的,世界经济前景恶化的速度达到了惊人的地步。

    IN JUST a few brutal months , the prospects for the world economy have deteriorated with remarkable speed .

  26. 此外,你也许应该开始考虑,这个残酷多变的世界,是否真的是那个你想永远待在其中的世界。

    And maybe start wondering if this rough , up-and-down world is really the one you want to be in for ever .

  27. 依照斯巴达的传统,男孩七岁就从母亲身边被带走,投入到一个残酷的暴力世界。

    At age seven , as is customary in Sparta , the boy was taken from his mother and plunged into a world of violence .

  28. 当孩子斯兰俄罗斯遭受恐怖袭击的残酷、全世界看到美国的慷慨与慈悲心的流露救济。

    And when the children of Beslan , Russia suffered a brutal terrorist attack , the world saw America 's generous heart in an outpouring of compassion and relief .

  29. 欢讲故事,也喜欢浪漫。在这个充满残酷竞争的世界上,我可能不是身披盔甲,但我也有我自己的坚强。”

    ove beauty , craftsmanship , storytelling and romance , and I probably don 't have the armor to survive the relentless competition that exists in this particular world . But I have my own toughness . "

  30. 在当今残酷的竞争世界中,随着经济全球化的进程,机遇与挑战并存,企业为了生存、发展、击败竞争对手,必须掌握未来。

    In nowadays cruel competition world , with the process of the economic globalization , the opportunity and challenge coexist , enterprises , in order to survive , develop , defeat the rival , must grasp the future .