
  • 网络Disability Movement;sport for the disabled
  1. 注:EDF团队由20名顶尖运动员组成,他们的运动项目被集团支助,内容包括:游泳,残疾人运动,皮划艇和赛艇运动。

    Note : The EDF Team is made up of20 top level athletes from sports that are sponsored by the Group : swimming , sport for the disabled , canoe-kayak and rowing .

  2. 今天,全国残疾人运动会落下了帷幕。

    Today was the end of the National Disabled Games .

  3. 最让人感到惊奇的是那些参加残疾人运动会的运动员的表现。

    The most amazing performances are by athletes who participate in the Paralympics .

  4. 于是,这个如今被称为残疾人运动会的国际性的运动就诞生了。

    And the international movement , now known as the Paralympics , was born .

  5. 第一届残疾人运动会于1948年在伦敦举行,当时有两支英国队伍参与了箭术的比赛。

    The first games took place in1948 in London with two British teams competing in an archery competition .

  6. 第六届远东及南太平洋地区残疾人运动会的举行,必将给她注入新的活力。

    The holding of the 6th Far East and South Pacific Disabled Games will provide more impetus for this trend .

  7. 主要运用心理测量法,对参加第6届全国残疾人运动会的31名坐式排球运动员竞赛状态焦虑进行研究。

    The thesis studies 31 sitting-volleyballers ' competitive state anxiety which attending the sixth nation disabled people sports by psychological measurement .

  8. 2010年12月20日2010年亚洲残疾人运动会19号晚在广州广东奥林匹克体育中心落下帷幕。

    2010-12-20 The Asian Para Games saw the curtain rolled down in the Aoti Main Stadium in Guangzhou on Sunday ( Dec.19 ) evening .

  9. 夜的黑幕沉重地将落未落。今天,全国残疾人运动会落下了帷幕。

    Night 's black curtain will be heavily lowered , but has not yet completely fallen . Today was the end of the National Disabled Games .

  10. 残疾人运动竞赛的竞赛组织中的医学与功能分级、参赛资格和运动项目的设置对于残疾人体育赛事的发展有着重要的影响。

    Disabled sport competition organization of the competitions in the medical and functional classification , entry qualifications and sports settings for the disabled sports development has an important impact .

  11. 残疾人运动开始于二战后的一个英国医院里,当时该项运动被作为战后脊髓损伤军人的一种治疗处理方式。

    The Paralympic movement began at a British hospital in the aftermath of the Second World War , when sport was introduced as a therapeutic treatment for returning servicemen with spinal injuries .

  12. 坐式排球的扣球动作是坐排运动中最关键的技术之一,由于残疾人运动的特殊性,使得坐式排球的扣球技术与健全人排球存在一定的差异性,应该将其独立进行分析。

    Smash is one of the most important skills in sitting volleyball . Owing to the particularity of the Paraplegics ' sports , the smash skill in sitting volleyball is different from the Able-bodied volleyball , so it should be analyzed independently .

  13. 我国残疾人举重运动现状及其发展对策研究

    Actualities and Development Countermeasures of Disabled Person Powerlifting in China

  14. 广州市残疾人健身运动现状的调查与分析

    Analyses and Investigations of Handicapped Fitness Activity in Guanzhou

  15. 为国际残疾人奥林匹克运动不断发展。

    To the continued growth of the Paralympic Movement .

  16. 残疾人体育运动国际联合会

    International Sports Federation for Persons with Mental Handicap

  17. 40年以前,人们从未听说过残疾人从事运动的事。

    40 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sport was never heard of .

  18. 硬地滚球运动的发展是伴随着国际残疾人奥林匹克运动的兴起而进行的。

    Boccia development is accompanied by the rise of the movement of the International Paralympic movement carried out .

  19. 本办法所称北京奥运会是指第29届奥林匹克运动会和第13届残疾人奥林匹克运动会。

    The " Beijing Olympic Games " mentioned in these Provisions refers to the29th Olympic Games and the13th Paralympic Games .

  20. 随着国际残疾人奥林匹克运动的不断发展,硬地滚球项目逐渐被人们所认识,并且受到越来越多的国家和地区的重视。

    With the continuous development of the international Paralympic movement , Boccia project gradually being recognized , and are more and more emphasis on countries and regions .

  21. 但是在一些具体的配套措施上和物质投入仍需进一步加大力度,使我国残疾人田径运动的物质环境得到改善。

    Nevertheless , certain necessary measures and material input should further go into overdrive so as to improve the material environment of track & field for the Chinese disabled .

  22. 同奥林匹克运动一样,现代残疾人奥林匹克运动也面临者很多价值挑战。所有出现的问题归根到底还是残疾人参与体育公平性的问题。

    Like Olympic movement , modern Paralympics also faces lots of value challenge , but the original problem is still the problem of fair chance to take part in sport .

  23. 国际残疾人奥林匹克运动激励着残疾人和健全人在世界大家庭中相互交融,共享社会权利,共建和谐世界。

    The Paralympic Movement inspires people with and without a disability to interact in the same global family , enjoy equal rights in the society and build a harmonious world together .

  24. 残疾人参与体育运动的心理健康状况分析

    Analysis of Psychological Health of Sport Taken By the Disabled

  25. 残疾人奥运会运动项目的衍变与发展趋势

    Trends on Paralympics Games Sports Evolution and Development

  26. 轮椅篮球是属于残疾人的篮球运动,它是残疾人体育运动项目中最具欣赏性的运动之一。

    Wheelchair basketball is one of the most appreciated sports for the people with disability .

  27. 我国残疾人高水平运动队科研服务形式的调查研究

    Study on Scientific Research Service for High Performance Sports Teams of the Disabled in Western China

  28. 残疾人乒乓球运动是残疾人体育事业不可缺少的一部分,也是我国残疾人竞技体育典型的优势项目之一。

    The disabled table tennis is the necessary part of the disabled sports and one of the preponderant sports events of the Paralympic competitive sports of our country .

  29. 运用心理测量方法,对辽宁省部分残疾人运动员的运动竞赛焦虑、抱负水平、责任感、应付困境能力进行调查研究。

    Using the method of mental testing , this article investigates and analyzes the Liaoning handicapped athletes ' level of sports competition anxiety and ambition , sense of responsibility and ability of coping with difficulties .

  30. 四十多年来,我国乒乓球运动水平始终走在世界前列,随着社会发展和我国综合国力的不断提高,残疾人乒乓球运动水平也发展迅速。

    For forty years , table tennis of our country always goes ahead the other countries . With the development of the society and the continuous enhancement of the National Power , Paralympic table tennis develops rapidly .