
cán bì
  • rubble
残壁[cán bì]
  1. 战后许多城市到处可见颓垣残壁。

    After the war many cities were full of rubble .

  2. 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,

    The vine still clings to the moldering wall ,

  3. 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁

    The vine still clings to the moldering wall

  4. 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷,

    The vine still clings to the moldering wall , But at every gust the dead leaves fall ,

  5. 藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷,天真是阴暗而沉闷。

    The vine still clings to the moldering wall , But at every gust the dead leaves fall , And the day is dark and dreary .

  6. 欧洲南部多年生植物,开串状而有香味的花,各色品种特别是黄色和橙色;通常生长于破墙残壁之上;有时归于十字花科。

    Perennial of southern Europe having clusters of fragrant flowers of all colors especially yellow and orange ; often naturalized on old walls or cliffs ; sometimes placed in genus erysimum .

  7. 要回答上述问题,就要在断崖残壁的历史尘封中,细心地勾勒出武术文化发展的历史脉络,并抽象出武术发展的动力机制和演化规律。

    To answer the questions above , we must try to find out carefully how Wushu culture has developed from the unadequate historical records and summarize the dynamic force and evolution laws in Wushu development .

  8. 天冷、暗、闷;下着雨,风也刮个不停;藤还攀附着颓垣残壁,每来一阵狂风,枯叶附落纷纷,天真是阴暗而沉闷。

    The day is cold , and dark , and dreary ; it rains , and the wind is never weary ; the vine still clings to the moldering wall , but at every gust the dead leaves fall , and the day is dark and dreary .

  9. 肾脏包虫内囊摘除并外囊残腔壁切除,消灭残腔是首选治疗方法。

    Removal of renal hydatid cyst was the treatment of choice .

  10. 对残煤长壁综采的顶板、水、瓦斯等安全保障技术做了进一步的探索和研究。

    This paper researches and studies the security technology of the roof , water , gas after the residual coal mining long wall .

  11. 发生腹壁气肿及穿刺点感染各1例。结果:497例中63例无法满意处理残端或盲肠壁内阑尾、腹膜外位阑尾而中转开腹。

    Additionally , abdominal subcutaneous emphysema and puncture port infection were encountered in 2 cases . Results : 497 cases of laparoscopic appendectomy has no complication except 11 abdomen abscess , 9 subcutaneous emphysema and 6 dorsal-scapular pain .

  12. 结果表明:成人的肝圆韧带存在残腔,为一潜在性开放性结构。残腔壁覆盖有单层扁平内皮细胞。

    It was found that HLT in adults was a potential open structure with a residual lumen . The wall of the residual lumen was covered with a single layer of endothelial cells .