- relict

Cathaya argyrophylla forest is a famous Tertiary relict phytocommunity-in the world .
The structure of grade system and characteristics of the rural settlements group in Pinghu County are measured and analyzed with the Hausdorff dimension of settlements group , taking the township as a unit .
Physocarpus amurensis belongs to Physocarpus of Rosaceae , which is a defoliate shrub . The genus Physocarpus includes approximately 20 species in the world , and the geographic distribution of this species is centred in North America in the world , only one species in China .
Comparative study on physical ecology characters between two relic plants-Helianthemum songaricum and Tetraena mongolica
There are large proportion of archaic , relic and primitive plants in the flora .
Such endemics have been termed epibiotics .
A relict species of fish
However , many feel that the planet may hide bacterial forms of life or their fossil remains .
Erdos is well known for the river civilization and many endangered plants growing specially the old relic plants .
Morphological and histochemical observations on the development of thymic rudiment , spleen , lymph nodes and skin of the nude mice
Its ecological factors , such as geological history , climate , soil , biological factors , etc , are analyzed .
The ecotype conditions of Rhododendron distribution are inferior . It show that most endemic species of Rhododendron in Guangxi are antiquated survival ;
Handeliodendron bodinieri , an epibiotic species of plant unique toChina , is distributed only in the limestone region along the junction of Guangxi Province and Guizhou Province .
Many ancient relic species centrally distributed in the area , most of them were the constructive or dominant species of desert community , their existence played an import .
Based on the distributional and morphological characters , the auther supposes that the origin of this species is located in the south area of Laurasia and become a survivor up to now .
In gymnosperms , all endemic genera are relics of the Arctic-Tertiary flora , having earlier evolutionary history , and can be traced back to the Cretaceous or to the Jurassic and even earlier .
In angiosperms , the endemic genera are mostly relic , and are represented in all lineages in our Eight-Class System of classification of angiosperms , and endemism can be found in almost every evolutionary stage of extant angiosperms .
The constitution of rural settlements group in Pinghu County is demonstrated with probability accumulation curves and frequency curves , and it is set forth that the settlements group in this county consist of the developing settlements , the existing settlements and the survival settlements .
It is generally thought that habitat fragmentation will lead plant population to experience an erosion of genetic variation , reduction of genetic diversity and change of genetic structure , and make plant population more divergent due to random genetic drift , high level of inbreeding and reduced gene flow .