
cán jí rén
  • deformed man;deformity;disabled individuals;disabled people;disabler;disabled person;handicapped;cripple
残疾人 [cán jí rén]
  • [disabler;disabled person] 身患残疾的人

残疾人[cán jí rén]
  1. 这个文件体现了政府对残疾人的关怀。

    This document embodies the concern of the government for the deformity .

  2. 农村福利制度的主要内容应包括:农民家庭最低收入保障机制、农村未成年人教育福利、农村老年人和残疾人福利、农村失业及贫困救助福利、农村公益事业财政补贴制度、农民医疗保障制度等。

    The rural welfare system mainly includes income security system for farmers , educational welfare for rural youngster , welfare for rural senior and deformity , welfare for rural unemployment and poor family , medical welfare for rural residents , fiscal subsidy for rural infrastructure as well .

  3. 为方便残疾人的出入修建了坡道。

    Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled .

  4. 她为残疾人有所作为树立了光辉的榜样。

    She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve .

  5. 这些工具多数已经过特别改装,供残疾人使用。

    Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people .

  6. 她没有把自己看成残疾人。

    She did not perceive herself as disabled .

  7. 当局不再支持残疾人不适宜做教师的观点。

    The authorities no longer subscribe to the view that disabled people are unsuitable as teachers .

  8. 和其他志同道合的残疾人帆船运动员接触会有帮助。

    Contact with other disabled yachtsmen of like mind would be helpful

  9. 一些当地机构和志愿组织也为残疾人开设了一些工场。

    Some local authorities and voluntary organizations also run workshops for disabled people

  10. 餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。

    Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people

  11. 新法律规定当局有责任为残疾人提供帮助。

    The new law gives authorities a responsibility to provide aids to the disabled

  12. 5名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每人被罚款140英镑。

    Five soldiers were each fined £ 140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist

  13. 一伙小混混嘲笑一位残疾人。

    A gang taunted a disabled man

  14. 他曾在当地的残疾人救助站当过义工。

    He 'd been working at the local hostel for the handicapped on a voluntary basis .

  15. 人们应该认识到残疾人同样也享有投票权。

    People should wake up to the fact that people with disabilities have got a vote as well .

  16. 取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。

    It 's not polite to tease the disabled .

  17. 穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。

    Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support .

  18. 帮助残疾人是我们义不容辞的责任。

    It is our bounden duty to help the disabled .

  19. 不要戏弄残疾人!

    Don 't make fun of the disabled !

  20. 中国红十字会慷慨捐赠一笔巨款以救济残疾人。

    The Chinese Red Cross contributed a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled .

  21. 他是首位横渡英吉利海峡的残疾人。

    He is the first handicapped man to swim across the English channel .

  22. 如今,我可以通过一项残疾人资助金为我女儿提供经济帮助。

    Now I can assist my daughter financially with help from a disability grant .

  23. 她的祖父是一个残疾人。

    Her grandfather is an invalid .

  24. 该项目的其他新产品还有一种全身吹风机和经过特殊设计的服装,可以让残疾人自己穿脱衣。

    Other new products in the program have included a kind of full-body blow dryer and specially designed clothing that allows people with disabilities to dress and undress themselves .

  25. 有些职位要求学生的年龄在15至24岁之间,对残疾人则要求在29岁以下。

    Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability .

  26. 霍金虽然是个残疾人,但他取得了巨大的成就。

    Although Hawking was a disabled man , he made great achievements .

  27. 我和我最好的朋友艾丽每周都会抽出几个小时为残疾人舞会做义工。

    My best friend Ally and I spare a few hours of our time every week as volunteers for Buddy Ball .

  28. 几年前,我的老师让我参加一个帮助残疾人的项目。

    Several years ago , my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are disabled .

  29. 一次,一个警察阻止一个人把车停在残疾人的专用位上。

    Once a policeman stopped a man for doing so .

  30. 这项发明将有助于所有的残疾人。

    The invention will confer a benefit on all invalids .