
ɡuà hào fèi
  • registration fee
  1. 挂号费和病例卡共10元。

    The registration fee is10 yuan including the medical card .

  2. 他们称他们部分收入来源于挂号费。

    They say part of their income comes from the registration fee .

  3. 我出示了我的HMO医保卡,然后交了15美元的挂号费。

    I have to present my HMO card and pay the co-pay of $ 15.00 .

  4. 请交挂号费。

    N : Please pay fou the registration .

  5. 请交2元钱挂号费。

    Please pay two yuan for the registration .

  6. 怀孕检查费是指挂号费、检查手续费。

    Be pregnant examination cost is to point to poundage of registration fee , examination .

  7. 腾冲县人民医院收取的挂号费只有人民币一元,诊断费为人民币4.4元。

    Tengchong People 's charges 1 yuan ( 16 cents ) to be admitted and 4.4 yuan ( 67 cents ) to see a doctor .

  8. 手术费用不包括:假体材料费,全麻醉费,化验费,药费,病房费,输液费,挂号费,换药费以及其它额外费用。

    Surgery fees do not include : portion implant fee , consulting anethesia fee , laboratory fee , medicine fee , hospital fee for overnight stay and other extraordinary fees .

  9. 在我国医疗单位使用多年的挂号费,其法律属性直接关系到医患之间的关系和医疗服务的性质。

    The registered fee has used in our country for many years , however its nature not only connected with the relation of hospital and patients but also decided the model of medical service .