
zhòng shāng
  • serious injury;severe injuries;seriously wounded;severe wound
重伤 [zhòng shāng]
  • [seriously wounded] 严重的创伤

  • 受重伤

重伤[zhòng shāng]
  1. 一次重伤差点儿葬送了他的前程。

    A serious injury nearly wrecked his career .

  2. 那两名警官极其幸运,没有受重伤。

    The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury

  3. 这次袭击中有50人受重伤。

    50 people were seriously wounded in the attack .

  4. 她在事故中受了重伤。

    She suffered extensive injuries in the accident .

  5. 他受了重伤。

    He had suffered terrible injuries .

  6. 在上次战争中,他的父亲受了重伤。

    His father had been badly wounded in the last war .

  7. 他两条腿都挂彩了,人也被如雨的弹片炸成重伤。

    He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel

  8. 飞机驾驶员受了重伤,副驾驶员于是代替其驾驶。

    The pilot was seriously injured and the co-pilot took over .

  9. 然后那条狗袭击了她,把她咬成重伤。

    The dog then attacked her , inflicting serious injuries .

  10. 有人坠落压在他身上,致使他颈部受重伤。

    He sustained serious neck injuries after he broke someone 's fall .

  11. 在过去9个月里,超过30匹马受了重伤。

    More than 30 horses have been mutilated in the last nine months

  12. 一名男子丧生,另一名重伤。

    One man has lost his life , another has been maimed .

  13. 受害者受了重伤,大量失血。

    The victim suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood

  14. 他们有些神志不清,但看起来没有受重伤。

    They were dazed but did not seem to be badly hurt .

  15. 从下面经过的倒霉蛋儿很容易受重伤。

    Some unfortunate person passing below could all too easily be seriously injured

  16. 尽管身受重伤,他还是活下来了。

    He survived in spite of suffering grievous injuries .

  17. 据说41人身负重伤。

    Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt

  18. 他背部受了重伤,目前正在康复中。

    He is recuperating from a serious back injury .

  19. 4名警官在爆炸中受重伤。

    Four police officers sustained serious injuries in the explosion

  20. 另外两名乘客逃过一劫,未受重伤。

    The two other passengers escaped serious injury .

  21. 地雷遍布稻田与林间,很多平民被炸死或炸成重伤。

    Mines have been scattered in rice paddies and jungles , maiming and killing civilians

  22. 还有成千上万的人在那场全世界最严重的工业灾难中受了重伤。

    Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world 's worst industrial disaster

  23. 一人死亡,一人重伤。

    One man was killed and another badly injured

  24. 老天保佑,我一直很幸运,别的重伤都躲过了。

    Touch wood , I 've been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries .

  25. 一个小姑娘和她的弟弟在十字路口被车撞成了重伤。

    A young girl and her little brother were seriously hurt when a car ploughed into them on a crossing .

  26. 我尽量克制住自己不要打架,却被另外3个男孩打成了重伤。

    I tried to talk myself out of a fight and got beaten to a pulp instead by three other boys .

  27. 在那场足球赛中,他的右腿受了重伤。

    He hurt his right leg badly in the football match .

  28. 在那场足球赛中,我的腿受了重伤。

    I hurt my leg badly in the football match .

  29. 他在最后一次战斗中受到了致命的重伤。

    He received a mortal wound in the final battle .

  30. 他队中的两名士兵受了重伤。

    Two soldiers from his squad sustained serious injuries .