
  • 网络Repeated medication;repeat prescription
  1. 作为预防性措施,请重复用药。

    As a precautionary measure repeat the medication .

  2. HPV治疗性蛋白疫苗由于具有安全、可重复用药和制备较简单等诸多优点,已经成为十分吸引人的策略。

    Protein-based HPV therapeutic vaccines are an appealing strategy because of their simplicity , safety and capacity for repeated administration .

  3. 美金胺重复用药对新生大鼠的毒性反应

    Toxic reaction of memantine in neonatal rats after repetitive administration

  4. 结果有83.6%的人存在用药种类多、药量大、重复用药现象。

    Results There are83.6 percent exist in persons who using medicine multi-kinds , overlap-add , big dosage .

  5. 在给药方案的设计过程中,重复用药的间隔时间是一个重要指标。

    During the design of the plan for administration , the administration interval is an important index .

  6. 主要表现为疗程过长,联合用药时的药物相互作用和重复用药等。

    The main manifestations were overlong course of treatment , drug interactions and repeat drug usage when combining usage of the drugs .

  7. 主要反映在给药方案、重复用药、溶媒不当、药理拮抗、配伍禁忌、毒性相加及用法错误等方面。

    Irrational uses reflected in dosage project , repeated medication , dissolvant mismatch , pharmacologic antagonism , chemical incompatibility and toxicity addition .

  8. 结论康体多综合治疗皮炎湿疹具有疗效好,无明显副作用,重复用药有效等优点。

    Conclusion This product is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of dermatitis and eczema , and repeated use is effective .

  9. 不合理用药处方共1354张,占调查处方的4.10%,多为重复用药、联合用药不当、用法不当。

    1354 ( 4.10 % of the total ) involved irrational drug use like repeat drug application , improper combination of drugs , and improper application .

  10. 不合理用药主要表现在不合理的联合用药、重复用药、用法用量不当、溶媒选择不当、药理药效拮抗、毒性相加。

    The irrational drug use problems mainly seen in unreasonable drug combination , repeated dosage , irrational dosiology and method of administration , menstruum incompatibility , pharmacodynamics conflict and combined toxicity .

  11. 结果:不合理处方762张,分别在溶媒使用、给药间隔、选择药物、合并用药以及重复用药等方面存在问题。

    RESULTS : Of the total prescriptions reviewed , 762 were irrational as in the use of menstruum , dosing interval , choice of drugs , drug combination , repeated administration , etc.