
chóng zhì
  • remake;remodel
重制[chóng zhì]
  1. 我们为了更加公平,重制了IP和经验系统。

    We have completely overhauled the IP and XP system in order to make it more fair .

  2. 我们为了更加公平,重制了IP和经验系统。我们的目的是总体上玩家获得的经验和金钱不会被改变。

    Previously , IP and XP were awarded for winning or losing a game . Now , they are granted based on how long the game was , and whether you won or lost .

  3. 如果在此时,你没有傻乎乎的的把泰坦尼克号字样纹在手臂上,也不必担心:派拉蒙影业公司已经准备好于今年四月上映这部最伟大浪漫电影的重制3D版。

    If you foolishly don 't have a copy of Titanic within arm 's reach at the moment , don 't worry : Paramount is set to re-release the biggest romance of all-time this April for a limited 3D run .

  4. 大约10年前,IMAX公司推出了数字母带重制技术,可将传统影片转换为IMAX格式。此后,该技术成为大片的宠儿。

    After the company unveiled a digital remastering process to refit conventional films into IMAX about a decade ago , the technology became a darling for blockbusters .

  5. 根据Deadline最新报道,虽然FOX并未就重拍该剧公布任何细节,也没有证实珀塞尔和米勒是否都会回归,珀塞尔和米勒明确表示十分愿意参与该剧的重制。

    According to Deadline , while the network has yet to provide any detail regarding the upcoming show or corroborate whether or not Purcell and Miller will actually be featuring in it , it has been learned that the two actors are very keen to be a part of the purported ' Prison Break ' reboot .

  6. 无水奶油[黄油],重制奶油超稠油掺水溶性乳化降粘剂降粘试验

    Anhydrous butter oil Viscosity Reduction Test of Viscosity Reducer-doped Water-soluble Emulsion

  7. 阐述了重制干酪结构形成的原理。

    The principle of structure formation in processed cheese in fully explained .

  8. 实验室把这些分子成分以更纯粹的形式重制出来。

    Laboratories reproduce these molecules in a much purer form .

  9. 乳化盐在重制奶酪生产中的作用

    Function of emulsifying salts on the processed cheese making

  10. 这是一部老电影的重制物。

    It is a remake of an old film .

  11. 你们对这个对开膛手杰克形象的重制有什么看法?

    What do you all think of this potential re-imagining of Jack the Ripper ?

  12. 谢谢弟子昌旺将此翰墨及印文重制。

    Thanks to disciple Chang Wang for rearranging the calligraphy and adding the seal .

  13. 无水奶油[黄油],重制奶油铁路油槽车顶部装油

    Anhydrous butter oil top filling of tank car

  14. 光化学汽相淀积氧化物电铸用电淀积方法在一模子上制作或重制(一个物品)

    To produce or reproduce ( an object ) by electrodeposition on a mold .

  15. 重制干酪工艺研究

    Studied on the Technology of Recombined Cheese

  16. 每件行李重量如果超出计件制规定的重量,按照现行的计重制收取。

    For weights outside the piece concept , the existing per kg rate shall apply .

  17. 表演人就其经重制于录音著作之表演,专有公开传输之权利。

    Performers have the exclusive right of public transmission of their performances reproduced in sound recordings .

  18. 古特曼先生先前曾用始于一万年前的一种转基因小麦重制了一款啤酒。

    Mr Gutman previously recreated a beer used a genetically modified strain of wheat dating from 10000 years ago .

  19. 说到底,不选择新版本而决定重制旧版本游戏还有别的原因。

    That said , there is also something to be said for remaking older games as opposed to newer ones .

  20. 是《银河飞将:私掠者》的重制工程代码库的一个副产品,它建立于改进了的美工和可玩性的基础之上。

    Gemini Gold is a spin-off of the Privateer remake project code base and builds on improved resources with artwork and gameplay improvements .

  21. 因此,您同意不会复制,重制,改动,修改或制作衍生作品的服务。

    Accordingly , you agree that you will not copy , reproduce , alter , modify , or create derivative works from the Service .

  22. 并不是要重制整个职业,只是改变技能解锁的等级并且修正资源吃紧的问题。

    We 're not overhauling the class , just changing up what skills unlock at which levels and fixing some of their resource starvation issues .

  23. 接着,通过一种为日本科学家良治野赖赢得2001年诺贝尔化学奖的处理程序,实验室把这些分子成分以更纯粹的形式重制出来。

    Then , via a process that earned Japanese scientist Ryoji Noyori his2001 Nobel Prize in chemistry , laboratories reproduce these molecules in a much purer form .

  24. 本文即探讨网际网路著作权议题如科技著作之重制、合理使用原则、超连结及共享软体管理。

    This article discusses the copyright issues of the internet , concentrating on the replication of network documents , the principles of application , hyperlink and shareware management .

  25. 不仅仅是旧片重制那样简单,导演马特·哈洛克和保罗·托马斯生动的再现了比尔在照片中的场景,并且采访了当时在场的人。

    Rather than simply relying on found footage , directors Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas have ingeniously animated actual still photos of Bill to recreate the scenes their interviewees describe on screen .

  26. 附含于货物、机器或设备之计算机程序著作重制物,随同货物、机器或设备合法出租且非该项出租之主要标的物者,不适用前项但书之规定。

    The proviso of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to copies of computer programs incorporated in products , machinery , or equipment to be legally rented , where such copies do not constitute the essential object of such rental .

  27. 依前条规定受保护之著作,利用人未经授权所完成之重制物,自本法修正公布一年后,不得再行销售。但仍得出租或出借。

    From one year after the date of promulgation of the amendment to this act , an exploiter shall not further sell unauthorized copies of works protected under the preceding article ; provided , it may still rent or lend them .

  28. 这部影片的编剧兼导演薛晓路也是一名女性。但该片并非那部1993年经典电影的重制或续集,但是影片将最后一幕场景设在纽约的帝国大厦,几乎是对经典最原汁原味的致敬。

    The movie , also written and directed by a woman , is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993 classic , but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York 's Empire State Building .

  29. 表演人专有以扩音器或其它器材公开演出其表演之权利。但将表演重制后或公开播送后再以扩音器或其它器材公开演出者,不在此限。

    Performers have the exclusive right , by means of loudspeakers or other equipment , to publicly perform their performances ; provided , this shall not apply to public performances of a performance by means of loudspeakers or other equipment after that performance has been reproduced or publicly broadcast .

  30. 超临界二氧化碳GAS重结晶制备HMX微细颗粒的研究

    Microparticle Formation of HMX by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Antisolvent Recrystallization