- remake;remodel

We have completely overhauled the IP and XP system in order to make it more fair .
Previously , IP and XP were awarded for winning or losing a game . Now , they are granted based on how long the game was , and whether you won or lost .
If you foolishly don 't have a copy of Titanic within arm 's reach at the moment , don 't worry : Paramount is set to re-release the biggest romance of all-time this April for a limited 3D run .
After the company unveiled a digital remastering process to refit conventional films into IMAX about a decade ago , the technology became a darling for blockbusters .
According to Deadline , while the network has yet to provide any detail regarding the upcoming show or corroborate whether or not Purcell and Miller will actually be featuring in it , it has been learned that the two actors are very keen to be a part of the purported ' Prison Break ' reboot .
Anhydrous butter oil Viscosity Reduction Test of Viscosity Reducer-doped Water-soluble Emulsion
The principle of structure formation in processed cheese in fully explained .
Laboratories reproduce these molecules in a much purer form .
Function of emulsifying salts on the processed cheese making
It is a remake of an old film .
What do you all think of this potential re-imagining of Jack the Ripper ?
Thanks to disciple Chang Wang for rearranging the calligraphy and adding the seal .
Anhydrous butter oil top filling of tank car
To produce or reproduce ( an object ) by electrodeposition on a mold .
Studied on the Technology of Recombined Cheese
For weights outside the piece concept , the existing per kg rate shall apply .
Performers have the exclusive right of public transmission of their performances reproduced in sound recordings .
Mr Gutman previously recreated a beer used a genetically modified strain of wheat dating from 10000 years ago .
That said , there is also something to be said for remaking older games as opposed to newer ones .
Gemini Gold is a spin-off of the Privateer remake project code base and builds on improved resources with artwork and gameplay improvements .
Accordingly , you agree that you will not copy , reproduce , alter , modify , or create derivative works from the Service .
We 're not overhauling the class , just changing up what skills unlock at which levels and fixing some of their resource starvation issues .
Then , via a process that earned Japanese scientist Ryoji Noyori his2001 Nobel Prize in chemistry , laboratories reproduce these molecules in a much purer form .
This article discusses the copyright issues of the internet , concentrating on the replication of network documents , the principles of application , hyperlink and shareware management .
Rather than simply relying on found footage , directors Matt Harlock and Paul Thomas have ingeniously animated actual still photos of Bill to recreate the scenes their interviewees describe on screen .
The proviso of the preceding paragraph shall not apply to copies of computer programs incorporated in products , machinery , or equipment to be legally rented , where such copies do not constitute the essential object of such rental .
From one year after the date of promulgation of the amendment to this act , an exploiter shall not further sell unauthorized copies of works protected under the preceding article ; provided , it may still rent or lend them .
The movie , also written and directed by a woman , is neither a remake nor a sequel to the 1993 classic , but it pays almost slavish homage by setting the final scene in New York 's Empire State Building .
Performers have the exclusive right , by means of loudspeakers or other equipment , to publicly perform their performances ; provided , this shall not apply to public performances of a performance by means of loudspeakers or other equipment after that performance has been reproduced or publicly broadcast .
Microparticle Formation of HMX by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Antisolvent Recrystallization