- 名T-shirt;cultural shirt

" We can 't keep up with orders ," said Tomohiro Miyake , president of online shop Club T , who was too busy to count sales , but added that the T-shirt was about to become his company 's best-selling ever .
I like the tee shirts without a collar .
Everyone else wore T-shirts with slogans on them .
T-shirts with signs used to be popular .
Whose T-shirt is it ?
T-shirts with signs used to be popular . It is not respectable to spit on the sidewalk .
It provedes souvenirs such as T-shirts , handbags with the trademark of " True color " and album of paintings .
The information communication of T-shirt is closely related to consumption behaviors of T-shirt ; its effects can be both positive and passive .
Slogan T-shirts , also known as message T-shirts , have long been a means of telling the world what we care about .
Secondly , it analyzes the buying psychology of consumers , so as to understand the propagating significance of " T-shirt " among consumers .
The graphic design are various such as decoration arts of popular T-shirts logo Creation , printmaking art forms originated from our daily lives .
Finally , it comes back to the " phenomenon " of T-shirt in the network and analyzes the cultural transmission mode and its value .
This paper has conducted brief analysis on the disadvantages of the phenomenon of T-shirt and tries to find ways to solve the problem and reduce its disadvantages .
Self-help link , search engine , expert forum , colorful propagandistic leaf , cultural T-shirt and American mirror image are the main policies to popularize the system .
Your contributions can be made by cash or cheque to the Cancer Institute / Hospital ( CAMS ) . Details on donations and shirt pick up forthcoming with your reply .
Under the support of Attention Economic Theory , this paper also intakes " T-shirt " in the network into the scope of research and redefines its marketing approach , adherent culture and its propagating meaning in the context of network .
First of all , through the summary of the production of " T-shirt " in China , it defines and combs the concept of " T-shirt " belonging to the paradigm of this paper and identifies the cultural meaning of objects .