
wén huà ɡuǎn
  • cultural center
文化馆 [wén huà guǎn]
  • [cultural centre] 文化活动中心,作用是开展群众文化活动,并给群众文娱活动提供场所

  1. 参观朝阳文化馆之前,就听说它被有关媒体称为“全国一流的文化馆”。

    I doubted when I was informed that the Chaoyang Cultural Center is one of the best cultural centers in China .

  2. 文化馆建筑设计规范

    Code for design of cultural center buildings Code for design of detention houses

  3. 郑和在这里的时候,就住在这栋建筑里,文化馆导游戴维·霍尔(DavidKhor)说。

    He stayed in this building here , said David Khor , a museum guide .

  4. 其中一口井位于文化馆大堂的咖啡厅。

    One of the wells sits by the lobby cafe .

  5. 城市文化馆城市文化塑造&以武汉市为例

    Urban Culture Center to Urban Culture Construction : the Case of Wuhan City

  6. 我们期待您莅临上海的荷兰文化馆。

    Looking forward to welcoming you in the Dutch Culture Centre in Shanghai .

  7. 文化馆里的展品呈现了郑和故事的其他层面。

    Artifacts in the museum recount other aspects of the Zheng He story .

  8. 上海荷兰文化馆将举办一系列展览,现场演出以及会议。

    The Dutch Culture Centre will host several exhibitions , live performances and conferences .

  9. 推动地方文化馆筹设及艺文推广。

    Encourage the building of local cultural centers and the promotion of Arts and culture .

  10. 加强基层文化馆建设丰富人民的精神文化生活

    Enhancing Construction of Grass Roots Cultural Center , Enriching Inspirit Culture Life of the People

  11. 具备现代化设施的多功能群众艺术馆6座,县级文化馆25座。

    There are six multi-purpose people 's art centers equipped with modern facilities and25county-level cultural centers .

  12. 郑和文化馆兴建的时候,工人在工地发现了五口古井。

    As the museum was being built , workers found five ancient wells on the site .

  13. 县县都有文化馆、图书馆,乡乡都有文化站。

    There should be cultural center and Library in every county and cultural station in every township .

  14. 朝阳区文化馆英语角现已成为在北京市颇具影响的英语活动场所之一。

    The English Corner of Chaoyang Culture Museum has become an affective public place for people speaking English .

  15. 到2012年底之前各级美术馆、图书馆和文化馆将全部向公众免费开放。

    By the end of2012 , all public-funded art museums , libraries and cultural centers will be open to citizens free of charge .

  16. 年末,全市有市、区(县)文化馆、群众艺术馆278个;

    By the end of 2001 , there were 278 cultural centers and mass art centers at city and district ( county ) level .

  17. 郑和文化馆是在官厂旧址上修建的,它在河的西岸设有库房和粮仓。

    The museum was founded on the site of the old government depot , which had warehouses and granaries on the west bank of the river .

  18. 2007年我以优异成绩毕业于安徽师范大学音乐学院,现工作在芜湖市文化馆。

    In2007 , I graduated with excellent grades from Anhui normal university , the college of music . Now , I am working in wuhu cultural center .

  19. 通过对他的个案研究来阐明文化馆音乐干部这类人群在沟通民间口传音乐文化和官方书面文化两种不同音乐传承体系中所起到的中介桥梁作用。

    It is expound through the case study that music cadre of county cultural center is bridge of two culture between folk oral music culture and official culture .

  20. 新华社报道,明年起我国的美术馆、图书馆和文化馆将免费向公众开放。

    Chinese citizens will no longer have to pay to enter the country 's public art galleries , libraries and cultural centers beginning next year , Xinhua reports .

  21. 加强图书馆、博物馆、文化馆、科技馆、档案馆等公共文化和体育设施建设,做好文物保护工作。

    We will protect cultural relics and build more libraries , museums , cultural centers , science and technology centers , archives and other public cultural and sports establishments .

  22. 他们的收藏和无私捐献,奠定了建国后江西省会图书馆和地方文化馆古籍文献馆藏的基础,省人至今受益。

    Their book-collections and selfless donation , lays the capital of Jiangxi province after the founding of the library and local cultural centers of ancient documents book-collection Foundation , benefit so far .

  23. 同时,他还利用在县文化馆工作的机会,虚心向绘画、书法界名师学习构图技艺,并向剪纸巧手请教。

    Meanwhile , he also used the opportunity to work in the county cultural centers , open-minded to the painting , Shu Fajie teachers in composition skills , skilled advice to the paper-cut .

  24. 民间传说(传奇),传奇文学这种故事或故事集各地还建立了一些博物馆、文化馆,搜集、保护少数民族文物。

    A body or collection of such stories . In addition , museums and cultural centers have been established in various places for the collection and preservation of cultural relics of ethnic minorities .

  25. 在方式上,上海郊区还结合自身的特点,建立文化馆、农村剧团、农村俱乐部,成立读报组、农民业余学校,办黑板报、展览会等非党组织宣传形式。

    As for the methods , the suburbs of Shanghai establish cultural centers , rural theaters , rural clubs , newspaper-reading groups , amateur farmer schools , blackboard newspaper , exhibitions and other non-party forms of propaganda with its own characteristics .

  26. 第二十二条博物馆、纪念馆、科技馆、文化馆、影剧院、体育场(馆)、动物园、公园等场年,应当对中小学生优惠开放。

    Article 22 Museums , memorial halls , scientific and technological centres , cultural centres , cinemas and theatres , stadiums and gymnasiums , zoos , parks and other similar places shall be open to secondary school students and primary school pupils on preferential basis .

  27. 文化馆是中华人民共和国建国后普遍建立起来的,为开展群众文化工作、活跃群众文化生活而设立的文化事业机构,主要的任务是宣传和辅导,主要在农区活动。

    After founding a state cultural museum is generally set up to carry out the work of mass culture , an active cultural life of the masses and the establishment of cultural institutions , the main task is to conduct propaganda and guidance , mainly in the area of activity .

  28. 韵河(LibSonar):基于音频内容检索的中华历史文化听书馆基于内容的图像检索技术在服装检索中的应用

    LibSonar : An Speech Indexing Based Chinese History Audio-Library ; The Application of Content Based Image Retrieval Technology in Clothing Retrieval System

  29. 《云南映象》及《云南民族文化传习馆》的得与失

    The Success of Dynamic Yunnan and the Failure of Yunnan Ethnic Culture School

  30. 群艺(文化)馆在社区文化建设中的作用

    On the Function of Public Cultural Centers in the Construction of Community Cultural Environment